My new what?

44 4 7

I dont even know where to begin. This is the most awkward situation I have ever been in...I think.

The kid is just glaring at me like I just killed his goldfish or something. And I of course dont dare say anything; what am I supposed to say?

"Mistress, it is rude to not have a conversation with those who invited us." Sebastian took a glance at the boy then back at me. "I do wish you luck though" He might as well have been laughing at me from the way he sounded.

Giving a sigh I look up at the boy, but for some reason he just got angrier.

"S-So uh what is it do you like to get from here? I've never been here before so I dont know whats good or not..." My voice was quiet but firm

He seems to calm down a little but he still had a nasty smug on his face. Sebastian save me!

"What!? How can you not have been here before? Everyone has!" The boy questioned

"Well I'm not everyone." Shrugging my shoulders I picked up the menu to see what I can get

In the middle of reading he yanked my menu out of my hands! Rude much!

"Hey!-" "You dont need that stupid menu weird eyes! Cuz I know exactly what to get you" The boy crossed his arms over his chest while grinning.

'Weird eyes? Is that his nickname for me?'

"My name isnt weird eyes sir! Its {y/n}" I pouted.

"Tch like it matters! Youre just a dumb extra. I bet you wont even make it into UA-" The boy was smacked in the back of the head again by the mother

I was taking a sip of my water and grinned at the boy; he had no idea I will be seeing his obnoxious ass in UA soon. And I rather not say anything so I can see the look on his face

"Dont mind him sweetie; his name is Bakugou Katsuki, and I am sure you would pass the exam." The mother , who Sebastian told me is Mitsuki.

I was staring at the menu since I noticed the dessert section; I didnt realize the waiter was here and the orders was put in. Sebastian took the menu out my hand and gave it to the waiter; I pouted as I drank some more water

"Don't worry I'll get you whatever you want" Sebastian whispers; which automatically lifts my mood.

Bakugou kept telling me how much I'm going to like this meal and he wants to make a bet to see how long I'll be able to last? He's making it sound like I'm going to die from this! This boy is insane

Soon enough the food arrived. The air was filled with spices ranging from sweet to tangy. My stomach growled loudly, I couldnt stop staring at the steam radiating off the food. It smelled so good!!!

Without waiting I dug in. Mitsuki gave a nervous chuckle while Sebastian tried to warn me about something. Bakugou had a smug look on his face for god knows why.

I finally glanced up with a mouthful of food, my eyebrows raised in confusion.

"What..?" Why were they looking at me? Do I have something on my face?

I was going to say something when it hit me. How could I not was so fucking spicy!!!!

My eyes widen when I frantically looked for water; grabbing my cup I lifted my cup to start drinking but it was empty!!!

Sebastian gave me his water; without a second thought I gulped it down.

Once done I let out a long sigh. I hear Bakugou bust out laughing.

"Hahaha you should've saw that stupid face of yours!!!"

I let out a low growl "Sh-Shut up! That caught me off guard! I bet I can handle it more than you!" I barked. No I can't

"Ha! I'll like to see you try weird eyes!" The boy threatened.

I took my chopsticks roughly in my hand while he did the same. We stared at each other for a few seconds then began eating.

"My my I never knew you can be competitive mistress?" Sebastian grinned as he watched me stuff food down my face.

"Shush! Aren't you going to support me?" I spat; I wasn't trying to be mean and Sebastian knew. He gave a small closed eye smile as he pulled out a tiny flag.

"Yay mistress you can do it!!" He softly cheered

Mitsuki chuckles as she started to cheer for her son.

It went like that for about 45 min until we finished our food. Once done we both just looked at each other. Sweat was dripping from our foreheads but neither of us was backing down or showing any weakness

I can't feel my mouth, lips or stomach. I think I burned all the nerves in my body

"Haha alright kids that's enough. Katsuki lets go we have to get ready you have school tomorrow" Mitsuki spoke.

"Eh?!" I can tell eating that spice food that fast did have an affect on him. Which made me feel like I wasnt left out 

"You do as well mistress; lets go" I looked at him funny. School?

Without saying anything I got up and followed him out the restaurant. Me and Bakugou kept staring at each other until we were no longer in each other eye sight. 

Once we turned the corner I immediately stopped and started breathing heavily while fanning my mouth. 

"S-So spicy!!!" I squeaked out.

I heard Sebastian chuckle, "Im so glad my pain brings you joy" I barked out 

Sebastian walked up right next to me; without saying anything he grabbed my chin so I can face him. My eyes widen with how close he was to my face. I felt him squeeze just enough for me to open my mouth. 

Sebastian leaned closer; I closed my eyes not knowing what to do. seconds later I felt a soft fluffy cake shoved into my mouth. Opening my eyes I found out he was holding a slice of strawberry cheesecake!! 

My eyes began to sparkle when tasted the cake. "Mmm~" I opened my mouth again so he can place another piece inside.

"It seems like you're back to normal" Sebastian walked beside me wile he carried the bags all the way back to the house. 

After some time we ended up in  a neighborhood that seemed slightly familiar? Where have I see this before? I know I never been here yet it looks so familiar?

Sebastian stopped in front of this gorgeous traditional yet modern house. He unlocked the door and ushered me inside. 

My eyes traveled to the giant couch and TV that was in the living room area; it huge!! It was so cozy and simple I love it!

"Mistress why dont you go check out your room? its the last door on your right" Sebastian says while taking out the clothes we had got today so he can organize them. I ran up the stairs without saying anything 

I pushed open the door to see the room -only to gasp at the sight. There was a king size bed with beautiful wooden frames that held a small dream catcher design in the center; there was a small bed near the window which would be a perfect spot for reading or just looking at the window. 

So many small little detail I never expected him to add to my room. My legs carried me to the bed; it looked so soft... 

I jumped into the pillows, I was engulfed in the blankets and pillows. "Ahh so soft..." I whispered while closing my eyes.

I didnt realize I was so tired until I felt myself drifting off to sleep and I didnt dare stop myself. I felt Sebastian position me better in the bed; soon leaving  me to rest. 


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