Why cant I remember anything?

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God damn my body hurts. It feels so sore and heavy, I don't remember doing anything too crazy for it to feel like that?

"I'm sorry pumpkin but this is my cue to leave. I'll be back eventually!"

That voice. Why do I keep hearing it!

"If you have any questions make sure to ask him okay? Bye-bye!" The giggling soon faded out as I was left with only my own thoughts.

But it was filled with beeping? And talking. Who's this voice? It sounds familiar? But that beeping is so annoying!

Opening my eyes slowly I was met with bright lights and machines and wires attached to all parts of my body. I knew it was natural, I knew it was procedure to monitor the patients vitals but I don't like it.

The beeping on the machine started to go faster; indicating that my heart race was increasing. My eyes fully adjusted to my hospital room with Aizawa and a few doctors talking.

I didn't bother to try and listen to what they were talking about. All I wanted to do was get these wires off of me!

My sore muscles aches as I tried to move them, the tightness was enough to tell me I should stop. That I should be resting....

The rapid beeping caught the attention of the doctors and staff as they started to rush inside. The doctor opened my eyes and shined a light to see if my pupils will dilate. The second he did that I scrunched up my face and pulled away.

"She's awake teacher" he said. I then heard another pair of footstep

When I looked up I saw Aizawa, All-Might, and a short old lady with a lab coat. They all stared at me, were they waiting on something?

Sitting up I looked between the three. "Um can I help you?" I mouthed. It kinds sucked that I am not able to speak just yet but I'm glad they can understand somehow 

"Actually you can, do you remember anything? Anything at all? Like a last name?" Aizawa asked

I shook my head, I can't remember anything before my encounter with them. Why is that?

"All I know is my first name which I think i told you..." Was it to see if they can look at any records? that would be pretty great since they will be able to tell me who I am.

"That's fine don't worry about it'll come back. We just have a few more questions for you if that's alright"

I gave a small nod, I looked to where towards Aizawa and saw rustling in his scarf? Soon a small mouse appeared and greeted me. The only thing I can do is wave. Like how do I respond seeing that small thing just come from his scarf

"Hello miss {y/n} I am Principle Nezu; and I must say what you pulled was a very dangerous stunt." His voice didnt indicate he was mad? Is he scolding me?

"I hope you know sneaking into UA is a criminal offense."

"C-Criminal offense?! I had no idea how I ended up there?? Y-You cant do that-" My heart began to pound, I can go to jail?! It wasnt my fault. Even though I coudnt say anything my facial expression spoke for me

"Whoa whoa there we arent going to be sending you to jail young lady. Instead I have a proposition for you."

"What type of proposition.." Why do I have a bad feeling about this

"Instead of sending you to prison you have to attend UA!!" The small mouse jumped onto the floor.

I looked at him. Is he serious? My eyes went to the other two who just nodded.

"You want me to join a school..? Why?"

"UA isnt just any ordinary school my dear, its where young heros go to become the best of the best! We saw your skills during the exam you snuck into; your skills are powerful and your quirk is extraordinary. You would make a wonderful hero."

Now I can finally see him smiling. His teeth showed as his little tail wagged.

Me a hero? Is that even possible? I dont know one thing when it comes to being a hero!?

Taking a deep breath I held out my hand "I accept" Nezu nodded as he shook my hand. He was way to excited for this

"Now just a simple little thing, we are going to hold you here over night to make sure your vitals are stable, then we can release you to whoever is your guardian. Hopefully they will find someone who is willing to take care of you and if not we will move on from there" Nezu spoke, he motions for Aizawa and Recovery girl to stay behind.

All I could do was stare at them awkwardly. "I know this is a little bizarre and rude but are you aware of the chip that was implanted?" The old lady spoke.

"Chip? what chip?" I sat up, was it a tracking device? Im not some kind of live stock that I will need a damn chip!

"It isnt a normal chip; I've noticed its attached to your nerve just in the beginning of your spinal cord- and its seems to be some sort of filter that a person implanted so they can block out certain visuals." Recovery girl made her way next to me, she gently touched the back of my neck where the incision was made for the chip.

"Either the person who put that there wanted to protect you from the world or they didnt want you to see something you arent supposed to." Aizawa looked like he was thinking out loud while shouting out ideas

My hand quickly shot up to my neck, I didnt feel anything until I started to press deeper. Thats when I felt a small lump that I know doesnt belong there

"Take it out!" I demanded. What type of freak would put something like that in a teenagers neck?!

"Calm down {y/n} We cant, its too lose to the nerves, there's risks if we just stat operating." Aizawa spoke

"But if it doesnt seem to be as far as we thought, she just felt it. Meaning thees a chance that we are able to extract it."

Recovery girl and Aizawa started to have a full blown conversation about what to do. Like hello!? Dont I get a say in this?

I cant take it. Its freaky and weird and just plain creepy!! Was that the reason why I'm not able to speak?! I blinked a few times so I can activate my quirk, scanning through the clothes I saw what looked like the Cancer sign, maybe that can help.

Tapping the dress my body began to glow. This caught the two off guard; knowing that I had activated it.

In my hands were two daggers with bright red handles. I didnt care for the outfit at the moment all I wanted was to get this thing out of me!

I reached for the back of my neck and just sliced my skin, I winced when I felt the sharp pain at the back of my neck. I dug my fingers into my neck to see if I can reach for the chip.

"Doctor!! God damn it hurry!" Aizawa shouted. He was planning on stopping right then and there but she was already reaching in her neck; if they try and pull her arm away they can accidentally cause her to damage something..

After a few seconds the girl pulled out a blinking square disk, her hands covered in blood. She transformed back into the hospital gown, thew nurses and doctors rushed over to try and stop the bleeding. One of the doctors brought over the disk to Recovery girl; she stared at it then back at her co worker.

"Thats one way to remove it" Aizawa spoke with slight amusement.

I cant believe I just did that, I took it out. My eye sight began to get fuzzy but it soon cleared up rather quickly. I glanced over at the two heros' "I...did...it.."

There eyes widen but before they can say anything I blacked out.

So so tired...

No fucking way!?Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt