Hero Basic Training

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Once I was done changing me and Bakugou decided to act like nothing happened. We watched movies for a few hours which consisted of him yelling at the screen every 10 minutes. 

His reasoning? He said and I quote "They are so dumb it infuriates me"

Thats how it went for the past few hours until Sebastian came home. As a reward for my good practice he decided to make home made ramen in which Bakugou decided to stay which was actually nice.

Before I knew it, it was time for him to leave and get ready for bed. I hugged my plushy as I drifted off to sleep...'Ahh I hope tomorrow will be fun..'.

-Next day-

Sebs woke me up the same time as before; of course I'm not fully awake when starting the day. Who wakes up  this early?! AND I have to do this everyday! KILL ME NOW

Putting my hair in a messy bun i walked out the door with Sebs behind me holding my bag. My eyes trailed to a  pair of shoes that stood too close to my house than I would like.

Glancing up I saw Bakugou facing me while swinging his bag over his shoulder.

"Took you long enough weird eyes" He barked

"Huh? What are you doing here so early?" My voice low while walking towards the male

"None of your fucking business lets go" He turned around and started to head to the train station

"HEY!" I shouted while jogging to catch up; Sebastian laughing at our interaction.

On or way to the station we talked about random stuff like the movies we saw yesterday. His answers always the same!

"They are actors you god damn Muppet!"I was getting irritated by the second every time I hear this man excuses!

By the time we made it to the train it was super pact. We were lucky to find a space near the doors. I had my back against the window while Bakugou stood a few feet in front of my with Sebs on our right.

"Move the fuck back!!" Bakugou yells to the person who elbowed him a few times in the ribs

"Chill out! If he could he would." I was concentrating on how much time I had left before I had to go to class since I was actually pretty hungry and wanted to have Lunch Rush delicious breakfast again 

Despite how crowded the train is we are running on time which is a good thing. I gave a small sigh of relief.

Suddenly the train jerked to the side as it made a turn which caused everyone to sway from the movements. My head banged against the glass with a hard thud, quickly raising my hand to rub the spot I soon smelled a sweet scent that I smelled yesterday!

My eyes shot open to see Bakugou with an angry scowl on his face while leaning on his forearm. The scent of caramel filled my nose. It was so sweet! Does he have candy this early?

I was going to ask him for some candy but the doors opened and it was our time to get off. With out  a second later Bakugou rushed out the door and grabbed the back of  my collar and began dragging me out the station.

I looked at Sebastian for help but he just smiled and waved. "No help.." I pouted until we got to school.

3rd POV-

The day ran pretty normal, with Math, Science, and English. Present Mic was teaching basic vocabulary that made most of the students struggle with. There was only  a few who understood and was participating; one of them being {y/n}. Not only was she answering the questions she and everyone soon realized that she can understand the language fluently.

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