I do have a home

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It was literally the next day and I was freaking out. There was a few police officers, talking with Aizawa, All-Might and Nezu... and a dog man person thing? 

I just stood on my bed as the nurse checks my vitals and make sure I was healthy and fine. I havent said a word since yesterday and Aizawa have been trying to make me say something but I'm too nervous to.

"We are not able  to locate her guardian or parents since there is no record of them anywhere. So I'm not sure what you would like to do Principle Nezu" One of the cops says 

"Ah well maybe-" Nezu was in the middle of talking to the teachers and officers when someone came into my room. 

I gasped slightly as i saw it was Sebastian coming in as calmly as ever. Everyone eyes now were on him. 

"Please pardon my intrusion but I am here for my mistress {y/n}" The butler bowed as he stood next to my bed. The nurses eyes was all over him as she completely forgot about me 

Aizawa cocked an eyebrow at the butler with his sudden appearance. "Mistress?' He repeated 

"S-Sebastian?" I questioned 

He gave me a warm smile and he bowed his head 

"I am here to deliver you home. Of course once the doctors are done"

"You know this man Young {y/n}?" All-Might questioned. He was slightly surprised that I had spoken; along with everyone else 

"Y-Yes...He is my butler" It was so weird hearing those words leave my mouth; I have no idea whats it like having a butler, Well a none human butler at that.

Aizawa looked back at me and him few times before his eyes landed on my face. It caused me to look away since I have a feeling he was questioning my eyes

"When did you get that?"

"It happened when I pulled out that chip; when I woke up last night it was there" My voice soft and uneasy. The teacher took that hint decided to not question any further. 

"Alright then; so we will be releasing you to your butler miss {y/n} but before you go you will have to sign this document saying you agree to attend UA." The principle walked over and held out a piece of paper. 

I stared at the words written across; I looked between the Nezu and Sebastian, my heart pounded in my chest. I was so nervous just thinking about going to a school for hero's. I dont want to do this alone..

"I'll sign it only if Sebastian can attend with me" I blurted out

This was a shock to everyone. It wasnt known for the school to take on guardians let aloe butlers. They all looked at each other not knowing how to answer the girl and she became a little more anxious. 

"P-Please!! I dont know anyone here and I'm scared and he is the only person I know and i'll feel more safe with him near me-" I hadnt realize I was rambling until Nezu put his paws on my lap. 

"Dont' worry dear. He is allowed to join you, however there will be rules that he will have to follow like everyone else" Nezu gave a small smile which calmed me down a little bit. 

I signed the paper and went to go get change. 

"I will be taking my mistress now. Than you for taking care of her while I wasnt here" Sebastian gave a respectful bow just as I walked out of the bathroom.  

I nervously waved bye as Sebastian led me out of the hospital. I kept my head down most of the time since I wasnt sure where I was going. I dont know why I'm so awkward right now. I know he wont judge me or anything but I dont know how I should ct arounf hime. 

"Mistress are you feeling alright?" He asked while checking my forehead 

"Y-Yes! I'm just a little nervous that all." I let out a nervous chuckle while finally looking up. My eyes scanned over the busy unfamiliar streets. 

I turned to him while rubbing the back of my head. "Um where are we going?" 

He was a little shocked by my answer but he soon smiled. "Well I took the advice from that Mr.Voice you spoke of last night and I arrange everything down living arrangements all the way to finance." I had no idea He was able to do all that in one night!?

"Now all that we nee are some clothes and basic essentials. I assume you dont have any correct?" He gently guides me through the crowd as what i presume was the shopping area

" Haha yeah I have nothing, other the school gym uniform." It was at the back of my mind but actually having to deal with it was a different story. 

For some reason I saw the male get excited. He gently took my hand. "Allow me mistress; this is my specialty." I saw I was dragged into a store that had a lot of girly clothing; it wasnt that bad since they did have some cute short and tops.

At first i was just standing around nervously while Sebastian picked out clothes; all from shorts to pants and tops. He made sure that they were the rightsize and would fit me appropriately . And I must say he was scary accurate with my size. 

There was only a few outfits out of the bunch that really caught my eye; Sebastian took note and tried to find things similar to that. As time went by I got more comfortable with talking and being around him. 

His personality makes me want to smack the smirk off his face sometimes; he just got me the most childish most frilly piece of clothing ever!! Then had the AUDACITY  to laugh in my face!!!!

Before I knew it we traveled to a few other stores that had more boyish clothes which I also liked and go some there. Of course he somehow managed to find amusement in my despair!

I lost track of time since it was already sunset. We were walking down the stairs and out of the little shopping area which was still a little busy. I tried to tell Sebastian that he doesnt have t hold my bags but he insisted on carrying them. With a defeated sigh i led the way out.

I was to busy in my own little world to even notice that I was about to bump into someone. And I did. I slammed into someone chest, letting out a small "Oof";   which caused me to stumble backwards and almost fall. But thanks to Sebastian quick reflex he bends down and catches me. 

It took me a second to regain my composure and finally see who I bumped into. My eyes landed on a pair of angry crimson ones. 

"Ehh?! Watch where the fuck youre going- Wait? You're that weird bitch from the practical-" the boy was cut off by a women who i think is his mother, smacking the back of his head.

"THAT IS NOT HOW YOU SPEAK TO A YOUNG LADY YOU STUPID RUNT!" The mother faced me with he sweetest expression I ever seen 

"I am so sorry for him, he has no manners. I hope you arent hurt?" she spoke gently 

"Ah yeah I'm fine" Sebastian gently pushed me upright. He faced the woman and bowed 

"I do have to apologize for my mistress; she is a little out of it and she wasnt paying attention to where she was going" 

My face became bloodshot red "S-Sebastian!!!" I shrieked. He cant just say that with no care in the world..even if its a little true 

The mother scanned over my appearance, her eyes softened slightly but she soon smiled. "Why dont I treat you to dinner! Its my treat for how my idiotic excuse of a son acted?" 

"What the hell is that supposed to mean old hag?!" Was this how he always talked to her?

"We will gladly accept your offer. Lets go mistress" Sebastian and the mother started walking, leaving me and the boy dumbfounded. 

That was too quick! 

Sighing I quickly ran to catch up to the duo, I heard the boy huff as he soon catches up. 

"Please let this go normal 

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