All-Might Apology

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God it felt like I haven't slept in days! Why and I so tired? Waking up was a pain since It felt like I couldn't open my eyes and my head was pounding like I had the world's most terrible hangover.

Slowly getting out of bed I did my morning routine which ended with me wearing an over sized hoodie Sebastian noticed I like wearing so he got me a whole bunch. 

Changing into my running g outfit I made my way down the stair but my nose was filled with the amazing scent of food!! My eyes lit up as I went straight for the kitchen. 

"Smells amazing!!!" I smiled just imagining tasting his food 

"I'm glad to retrieve such praise from my Mistress, however you will get some only when you complete your run" Sebastian grinned as he saw me look at him in shock

"To be nice I will allow only a 10 mile run" Sebastian looked like he was almost done with the food

"I would hurry so your food wont get cold" 

I shook my head and ran out the door. "Only 10 miles? I can handle that " Grinning I started a slow light jog towards the street. 

But for some strange reason it feels like I am being watched...Turning around I saw two small children behind a bush glaring at me. My body goes ridged. 

"U-Um is something the matter?" I have no idea why they are glaring at me like that...I dont even know them 

"Do the cloud!" The small boy, who looks to be 9, says while pointing at me.

"Huh?" Cloud? What is he talking about

"Your um pink fluffy cloud" A girl popped up, who was about 5 or 6.

AT first I was so confused on what they were talking about but it soon hit me! 

"OH! You mean my Aries cloud?" A small chuckle escaped my mouth as I was scrolling through the closet, I can see the kids was looking at me weirdly since they only seem my eyes looking at thin air. But I found the dress and put it on.

The kids had to cover their eyes from the bright light, once they removed their arms they saw me in the pink and white little outfit. The little girl eyes started to sparkle . 

"That one!!" She jumped up and down, I glanced at her brother and saw that he was trying to hold back his excitement but his eyes gave him away completely

I smiled while bending down to their height, I held out my hands, they looked nervous at first but I just waited for them to come on their own. 

After a few minutes they came closer and watched my hands. I allowed the pressure to form in my wrist; two pink clouds started to grow from the palm. 

"Ohhh! So pretty!" The girl chirped 

Soon the clouds was as big as the children. 

"Now be careful! if you let go they will fly away okay!" My voice was slightly higher in pitch due to my quirk sign.   

The kids was squeezing the clouds when their mother started to call their names. Spotting me with them she rushed over and gave a small apologetic smile.

"I am so so sorry, I didnt mean for them to bother you so early-" The mother was cut off by a small laugh. 

"Dont apologies! If it means I get to see their smiles I dont care what I am doing!" 

The mother stared wide eyed at me, not expecting the answer I gave. But she nodded and ushered her kids along so they can go to school. 

I checked my watch and saw the time!? "Ahh!! Im late!! I should've been done already!" I darted off down towards the beach to do my normal morning run. 

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