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I figured I should write two chapters as an apology to those that still read this. I wrote most of this and it all deleted. COME ON!!!!

We were finally in Moscow, currently Victor was having to speak with the reporters at the hotel. Yuri and I were near the elevators with all of our stuff, getting ready to head to our rooms. As the elevators doors opened I saw two males fighting, with one of them holding a women. All I got from that fight was that apparently the other guy tried to flirt  with the women and her boyfriend. At least I think her boyfriend got angry. 

Heading to our rooms I parted from Yuri and got situated and pulled out all the things I needed for the next day. Before texting Lucas goodnight and going to sleep.

The next day all of us were at the rink, with Yuri at the moment stretching before the practice. As skaters started to perform, more  came up to us and wanted to ....chat. Sadly.

As Yuri was in Group 2 we didn't have to watch any of Group 1's performances. Thankfully, I hate having to watch others waste their talent. As Group 1 ended I walked back from talking to one of the event managers to check on Yuri's performance time. Reaching Victor and Yuri I pull them towards the rink as Yuri was scheduled to perform soon. Looking at Victor I could tell that he was slightly pissed off.

During Yuri's performance I decided to find out what was wrong.

"Victor why are you not happy-go-lucky right now, and only looked really happy when Yuri was here? Along with looking like I just threw your skates onto the street?" I asked, turning to face him.

Keeping his eyes on Yuri he answered me," One of the skaters decided that even though I'm not competition and Yuri is his opponent. That he would skip over Yuri and decide he wasn't worth his time." 


And I have a feeling I know who that was. 

Thankfully Yuri's performance was splendid, hearing coach Yakov's voice I turn around to see Yurio looking at him at him I can tell that he has improved from before. I can tell that he is more toned and looks more confident and comfortable then before. Though both Yuri and Victor were surprised to see him. Sadly during his performance he fell after one of his jumps. But even after that I can tell that he's gotten better.

While walking with Victor and Yuri to put his stuff away, I look at the television screen to see exactly who I thought it was.

Jean-Jacques Leroy.

That bloody bastard. I cannot stand to be near him, as he always thinks everything is about him. Along with thinking that he is better than everyone in the building. 

God I love it when we would beat him at an event.

Suddenly Yuri got a call that made him pale, before he suddenly turned towards us.

"Victor! Hadrian! Go back to Japan right now. I'll face the freeskate tomorrow on my own."

Victor and I looked at him in confusion, then looked at each other in question.


"But you have to go back!"

"Like I said, we can't." 

Turning to the side, I see Yakov and his team. Hitting Victor on the chest I point towards Yakov.Reaching him I put both of my hands on his shoulders.

"Thank goodness. You're the only coach for us."  said Victor.

"What? You want to come back?"

"It'll be for just one day. Can you be Yuri's coach for tomorrow?" We asked.

Apparently what we said was shocking because everyone exclaimed after our question.

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