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"The top six skater we'll see today's have survived the brutal GP Series. Here they come, on their way to the number one spot. In sixth place, Katsuki Yuri was the last qualifier. Will he redeem itself in his second Final? With Victor and Hadrian Nikiforov as his coaches this season, he'll try to prove the power of love by winning gold in the Final. Phichit Chulanont finished fifth in the Grand Prix Series. He's on a roll after becoming the first Thai skater to win gold at the Cup of China. In his first Final, he'll rewrite history for Southeast Asian figure skating. Yuri Plisetsky finished fourth int he series. Last year's junior champion this is his senior debut. He's been allowed to jump quads this season, and he's done brilliantly, placing second in both qualifying events. As the youngest skater at this Final, he seeks to defend Russia's prestige by securing his first victory."

"Christophe Giacometti finished third in the Series. His mature skating and giant quadruple Lutz have bewitched the entire world. He'll aim for his first victory at the Finals. Otabek Atlin finished second in the Series. Kazakhstan's hero won bronze at the World Championship, before his first GP victory in the NHK Trophy. His Final qualification is another upset. Finishing first in the Series is Jean-Jacques Leroy, the man of the hour and the only qualifier to win both his events. In both his short program and free skate, he jumped six quads. JJ sets the rules for the rest of the world! The final round is about to begin here in Barcelona!"

It was Yuri's turn to skate on the ice, but I was no where near him. I was sitting in the kiss and cry area, so that both Victor and Yuri would get a chance of privacy before Yuri started his performance. As he got into his starting position I could hear the crowd cheer for him and it brought me back to my first Grand Prix with Victor. We both were so nervous and scared of screwing up our performances that we both almost had a panic attack.

I think I won that year, though I can't be too sure. As most of that night was a blur for both of us, because of the nerves.

Watching Yuri perform his routine, brought a smile to my face he's grown significantly better than before.

He's even able to do almost all the jumps correctly with only one error on his quadruple flip with having one of his hands on the ice.

Both Yuri and Victor joined me in the kiss and cry to hear his score. Smiling proud at him I looked up at the screen to see what he got.

"Here comes the score for Katsuki Yuri. His score is 97.83. It didn't break the 100 mark but it's still a high score."

Looking at Yuri, I couldn't tell if he was angry or if he just couldn't see his score. Chuckling I pull both of them up so that they can watch the others perform.

Though I'm not going to watch, I can already see Lucas walking over here with candy.

Over the intercom I do here that Yurio beat Victor's high score, which sucks for me cause all I'll hear is Victor moaning about it to me later in sadness. I also hear that JJ got an 86.71 for a score, and not to be insensitive but the over confident bastard deserves it. He really needs to get rid of his holier-than-thou attitude.

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