07 | Leap of Faith

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CHAPTER SEVEN(First Person Point of View)"More than One Apocalypse"

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(First Person Point of View)
"More than One Apocalypse"

YEAR 2120 - Oct. 19 - 6:01PM

We were at the cliff of death. If we were to move or be discovered by such an enormous zombie, we already knew what we could be in for.

With tight breaths and unending patience for the thing to leave without any more interests in we, the four of us tried their best to fit in a small space but our luck would surely run out.


With leaves covering us, Art accidentally sniffed some kind of flower pollen near the tree.

Our eyes widened at what was about to happen. We were at a dead end and  we couldn't just take a run for it.

This is our end, I knew it!

Rather than being cornered, Art tried his best to run out off the Lake as fast as he could. The zombie saw him immediately ran to where she was going.

What the heck is he thinking?!

He was unfortunately too slow from the water's thick layers. The zombie was at dry land near him so he tried his best to swim away.

The zombie was about to pick him up from the water with its hand and try to devour him whole. But when its hand splashed to water, trying to grab him, it had this unanticipated reaction.

It doesn't seem to react good to Water as if it's body is allergic to liquid.

Seeing the retort of this thing, Cass had an idea. She told me to remove Peach from her bag and anything else inside it.

I did what I was told and gave her the small bag. Cass grabbed the bag and used to scoop some water.

I think I know what she's trying to do now.

She later ran as fast as she could and threw the water to the Zombie Amalgamate's body. It then had the same reaction it had before.

It then tried to attack Cass. Doing the same onslaught it did a while ago, the spatter was a lot bigger and hit the thing's head.

With a burning pain within the Amalgamate, it ran away elsewhere.

The noisy stomping starts to get more quiet until it wasn't heard anymore.

The four of us got off the Lake one by one. Art looked at his watch, irritated that it was no longer working.

"What in the world were you thinking, Art?!" Dylan grabbed his arm and looked at him.

Art took off his hand, "I'm the lead here, you can't talk to me like that."

"Uh, excuse me? YOU are the leader? Some clumsy, selfish and not to mention, impulsive kid is the one who's in the first position here?" Cass pointed at Art, "If I were you, the handsome one should be in the lead."

"Excuse me, pinkie, but we saved you and you should be grateful for that!"Art debated.

We're just wasting our time here. I'm on Cass' side here but I still remember the deal.

Cass eventually fought back, "Excuse you, I saved you first! If I hadn't gone there to save your group, I wouldn't need any help, pointy chin."

"STOP FIGHTING, okay?! We both want to survive but debating isn't the way to do it." I stopped their little fight. Literally, nothing is going to happen if this continues.

"She's right." Dylan backed her up, "Let's just go the lab and get ourselves cured for."

We were about to walk until Cass asked what we're suppose to be cured for. She thought we were bitten so she backed up a bit.

"How stupid." Art mumbled behind her back.

I got closer to her and said, "Haven't you watched the news?"

"How clever, tell me how to watch the news when there's a power outage in my street?" Cass snarled.

Dylan heaved a deep breath and told her, "Well, we had just gotten close contacts with zombies which means we're infected. We need to get to the lab to get the cure before our 48 hours runs out."

"And you think they'll just give it to you, huh?" She answered, "Oh- And don't tell me you're going to the Big City of Nair."

"Why would we even go there? That's a freaking death march, the train station's way is a lot shorter so yeah, we're taking that route." I replied.

Cass then said that our route is a nice way considering the fact that the reason why there are very few zombies in our town was that most of these things from our place fled to the city where there were more people.

"Wait- what?" The three of us weren't updated of what she had just said. Heck, even I didn't know that.

"Well, look who's uninformed." She rolled her eyes specifically on Art.

Art took more of his hate and yelled to her, "Then why the f*ck did you let us hide in a freaking shed?! And why would you flirt at that time, seriously?!"

Cass laughed at him and his words. He eventually got more angrier at her and yelled, "You're a useless member who's only addition to the group is your blabbering mouth!"

"I never said I was part of your group. I'm part of the smart girl and handsome boy's group, not yours." She spit to the ground, "And here's some answers you're probably begging for, chin. We hid in there because that Amalgamate can't see small objects unless they're too noisy, and thus, a shed. Plus, my flirting had nothing to do with us being discovered, we were whispering and didn't definitely scream before it saw us, hmm?"

Art had nothing to say and just shut his mouth making Cassandra the winner of their chat.

"Okay, no more fighting. We still have a 45 minute walk to the Center after we did that run. It's getting dark too so we have to make up a vote." I tried to make up a way for us to go forward, "Should we keep going or take a break for the night?"

Dylan said we should continue or else our time would ran out. Luckily, I packed two flashlights in my bag.

Cass took a cloth from her ripped handkerchief and stuffed in on top of both flashlight to make it dimmer and less seen by other creatures.

"Hopefully, we get through this alive.."


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