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CHAPTER FIFTEEN(First Person Point of View)"More than One Apocalypse"

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(First Person Point of View)
"More than One Apocalypse"

YEAR 2120 - Oct. 20 - 11:30AM

I felt like something wasn't right. How in the world is the Nair Laboratory & Hospital looked unaffected of the apocalypse?

A doctor came by my side to check on me. He did the usual things like checking my blood pressure but I didn't mind.

"Um, doctor.. This is the Nair Lab right? The place where the cure to the virus is? The antidote has got to be free, when will we receive it? If it does have any price, we'll pay for it." I asked him politely.

He had a worrisome face but then he told me that they will inject us with the cure soon. I tried to think more but my brain just started to hurt.

He told me to give myself a rest for a few more hours. I still found myself in an uncertain level of trust.

Not a while later, Fabiar suddenly came to my door in a panic. He measly walked towards my bedside and sat down.

I asked him why he was so worried. Before he answered to me, he looked around. Is he traumatized of hospitals? He looked fine a while ago but now he's different.

"Clay, I have to tell you something. I'm not that comfortable talking to the others so I thought of telling this to you." Fabiar said, his face was sweating and his voice filled with nervousness, "I can hear someone's personal thoughts. I know.. It sounds strange and that it's passing boundaries but it just happens.. But this is what's important, I heard a doctor's thoughts and it scared me. He thought of something so.. horrible."

Wait.. Hear someone's thoughts? Fabiar is straight out staring at me. But reading my mind? That's impossible and if that's so, does that mean he can tell me what I'm thinking right now? Can he?

"Yes, I can hear you." He said.

I couldn't help myself but be amazed but also insecure. "I can hear someone's thoughts if I look at their eyes, I don't need them to look back though. I can stop listening by not looking at them. That's why I kept looking at the ground when we were on the way here.. I'm sorry if I kept it as a secret.."

"You don't have to be sorry. You're just trying to do what you think what's right. But hey, atleast you're honest!" I reassured him with a slight smile.

Then I remembered and asked him what he overheard. We were getting out of the topic.

"The gray coated doctor thought of how his father's experiment was going so well. Then he mentioned that spreading the virus worldwide was the best plan yet. Making volunteers to the project easy. I didn't understand much of this but after analyzing a bit, they might be behind M20." He said frantically, "He even said to himself how proud he was in telling you that they would give us the antidote."

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