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"More than One Apocalypse"

It wasn't too hard for all four of us to run past those robots. They seem to be only able to be designated to one place which with Art's keen observation skills, he managed to figure out their repeated movements.

It takes me back, really.

At the Nair Hospital, before they found out about what was really going on..
"Hey, bitch." Art said as he came out of the door and walked past my hospital bed.

"Why are you here? Are you gonna scold me because I nearly died? If not, good grief!" I heaved a deep sigh. Dylan couldn't really stop worrying about me, not that it was his fault though.

"I just want to ask you one thing, is that too much to ask?"

"Pft.. You already asked me one thing. Guess your questions won't be answered." I smirked.

"Argh.." He said as he rolled his eyes, "I'll just cut to the chase. It might be a fragile subject but I don't give a fuck."

Wow, that's a nice way to make me talk about something. Degrading their feelings , tch..


"How did you get adopted by Dylan's family?"

That's.. a pretty easy question but my chest seems to almost burst at that moment.

"What for?" I asked, this question was unexpected yet why does he have to ask? He had no connection to it whatsoever.

"Just curious."

'Just curious?' What kind of a reason is that?! No way is there no other motive.

But.. I gave in. Somehow, I had this feeling that telling someone would help them help me.

"Okay then.."

He put his hands up to carry his point chin, opened his eyes with a beaming sight of excitement. It felt weird but I continued.

"I was left in an orphanage, the Amethyst Home for Children to be exact. that's what they told me. And my foster dad was the one who took me in. Even so, because of my mom's standards, I was severely abused by her, pouring boiling water at me. Lashed out at me when she's angry and even almost killed me when she threw a knife. She said I wasn't important and asked me why they had to adopt me.. It's depressing but.. hey, atleast I'm in a much happier place with you guys!" I cheered up, speeding up the story so that sadness wouldn't lurk anywhere in my head again.

my escape from earth ; CATACLYSM I ✔Where stories live. Discover now