22 | Infiltration

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"More than One Apocalypse"

We ventured around the small building and managed to bust out every robot in sight. To be honest, I actually started theorizing these things doesn't really have their own minds. Not literally like brains, but the news said they could think on their own. What I'm seeing now is the complete opposite, they're more or less being controlled.

I wonder if the news was a cover up. If so, what for?

We found ourselves nearing in on what the map said was called the "Control Room." Fabiar was able to also find some kind of building map while hacking in which made our infiltration a lot easier.

The place showed no place of life and yet it seemed like forever to get there. We approached a big door with one small circular window on each. There was a catch.

Two robots were standing by the door. They were much bigger in size than the normal robot, it also had a different design. It looked more of a killing machine with a thirst for blood. What a horrible thing I said, it doesn't even match up. Robots? Thirst for blood? Literally, I'm losing it.

"Okay, you." Fabiar was at the end of Art's finger, telling him, "You solve us a way to defeat those mechanical bullcrap. Quick, we don't have time, smarty." His voice was less angry than the last time he talked to him. Might be because Fabiar did something for the team.

It took a while until finally all four of us huddled in and explained the plan. It wasn't all that bad until he said I'd play bait.

I couldn't help but just accept my part. The three of them walked inside the room using the other door that wasn't right beside the big one that's being guided.

I walked and stared innocently at the robots. We knew they had no feelings but if we show bad intent, they might alarm quickly. I don't understand much but I acted my part.

The two robots stepped closer saying, "Human Detected, Exterminate."

Luckily, it was slow enough when it tried scanning me. Art and the others were right behind them and ready to shut them down.

"From what I found, the robots are easy to make and cheap. But they had poured all their efforts on three guard bots. They are more powerful and stronger in terms of sizes and strength. But..! They're also slow in movement and can easily be shut down with a click of a button just behind them. No wonder they are just guard bots." Fabiar smirked cleverly.


In just one click, we managed to not cause any alarm. That's what I thought.

"What the hell?!" Art yelled as red lights blinked through the hallway. He had no time to mess and so he charged through to door.

My eyes couldn't believe what I was seeing. Is that Alvin? What's he doing here?

What's worst was that he wasn't the only thing in sight. A robot much bigger than before was right in front of me. It's eyes shined red as it walked directly towards us.

I quickly got away and tried to kick the robot's leg to make it fall off balance.

"Crap! That isn't going to work." Cass said as she swinged back to the ground. She immediately took some kind of broom standing by the door.

She immediately jumped and clogged the robot's left arm. "Hey, smarty-pants! Hack into the system and shut this thing off!" Art yelled as he pushed Fabiar towards the control panels.

"Oh, you're not getting anywhere! My family's name will live on!" Alvin grinned and took a knife from his pocket, "After I saved all of you, you just happen to kill my dad!"

Al quickly jumped towards him who had no time reacting. He pinned Fabiar to the ground, aiming the knife to his neck.

I have to save him!

I got on my feet and threw away all my things. This way, I could be fast enough. Fast enough to save someone right in front of me!

He slowly slid the knife in his neck, blood spilling through his body. It seemed like Fabiar couldn't breathe, his eyes were watery from all the crying and kept all the pain in himself.

I jumped to them, catching both of them off guard. The three of us rolled as we hit the wall.

I tried taking the knife from Alvin, who was struggling to let go of it. I felt the sharp pain burst through my arm. He stabbed me!

I kicked him away and tried to help Fabiar out who was frozen in fear, not that I blame him.

"You two.. should have died early on.. I should have died too! We all should die, it's not like there's anything left here, now, is there..?" Alvin said, he smiled at the thought and gladly held on the knife, pointing it to his left chest.

"I failed to keep my family alive.. I knew it but I ignored it.. Dammit.. Hey, you two..? Just die already, it's a lot better that way." Alvin said as he jolted the knife in his heart.


Cass and Art was having a hard time, considering the fact that they are facing off a giant robot with not much material to fight with.

Then Art suddenly grinned and immediately took action. He jumped and got behind the robot, "Jackass, you keep the robot at bay while I figure something out in here!"

Cass nodded and continued dodging the robot, only to be hit by an unexpected strike which was quicker than before.

She got slammed into the wall, the cement falling off from her. Even with blood stains on her head, she ran towards the robot and always avoided the attacks.

"You have to hang on, idiot! I'll turn it off, just-- wait!" Art said as he mingled through the wires and buttons.

Cass' movements slowly deteriorated, her stamina not lasting any longer. She suddenly fell to the floor as the robot was about to smash her with it's hands.




In just one second.

The giant robotic hand dropped to Cass' body on the floor. The impact was stronger, causing the ground to break and other things to fall down on the ground.



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