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Wooseok admittedly didn't care much for walks in the brisk temperatures of nearing winter nor for going out alone, and yet whilst before he only took the longer path home through the park about thrice a week, he found himself steering right when he could keep going straight with his step more often than he even took into account.

The letters had begun to attract him to themselves like a negative force does to a positive, the river being the whispering guide which gave words of encouragement or of warning - he couldn't really tell.

Despite his pondering mind and lofty mood, he found himself before the messenger tree in under a few minutes, and a sense of uncomfortable eagerness brewed with concern filled him.

Fingertips cold, they picked at the letter, and then it was in his warm palms, held with somewhat care, considering its current state after that morning's feeble rain.

dear moon,
it keeps happening. i keep getting the urge to rip my insides out, to claw at my skin in the hopes it would shred like fine paper into nothingness. do you think i'm going insane?

Wooseok wanted to reply with no, maybe you just need to let yourself be freer, fight against what's chaining you down to the ground you hate so much; but he was not the moon and he could not speak in his place, so all he did was put the note back within the barrier of its envelope and into the heat of his parka's pocket.


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