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dear moon,
my body is frustratingly limiting. i feel so caged within my self. i've been reflecting on my work, and perhaps it's not as good as he made me believe. do you understand why he left me?

For the first time, the note exposed a part of _y's life and the clue almost made Wooseok giddy. A girl perhaps? One who was left by her boyfriend and was now looking for a source of relief from the letters she sent to space. What about her work? He wasn't sure which job she could have - always assuming the person was indeed female.

A sensation of being closer to some big reveal, and yet just as far, burned at his fingertips and stung behind his reading eyes. Then again, this character could be a brother, father, friend - maybe he hadn't really inched nearer to a truth after all.

It was a sense of frustrated longing that overcame him then, the desperate, clawing urge to help and hold, offer whatever love and comfort he had within him to this person. He could only hope he would have the opportunity to do so.


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