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The pile of opened envelopes on his bedside table grew at a slower pace, but it was when his mind was of lead and his mood was trampled that he'd pick the miniscule secrets they held out, and read them beneath the combination of the yellow light of his lamp and the white sheen offered gingerly by the moon.

dear w,
did they? i guess paper is more expressive than i believed it to be. please consider leaving my notes alone, i can't write anymore knowing that you read what i send to the moon.

It was the last letter he had received, words that truncated his odd happiness of having been sent a message just moments prior.

i'm sorry.

He sincerely wrote after an instance of contemplation,

you just seem like you need a friend. i would like to be who you need.

Then he paused, mulled the inquiry over and hurriedly jotted it down before he could regret it.

what is the moon to you?

The subsequent response to his note was as chilled as the river's water, cold enough to dim the flame that burned and licked at his own heart and bring to him a sense of guilt.

dear w,
maybe i do, maybe i don't, but how would you know? i don't think everybody needs someone, some people are simply better off alone.

why do you ask that? maybe i'll tell you when
we one day meet.

An almost flippant and dismissive statement, but Wooseok eagerly clutched onto it with a selfish, hungry need for answers and a selfless desire to be of aid.

does that mean you want to see me directly? name a time and place and i'll be there. i want to know what goes through your head. (as long as you're not a serial killer or something)

dear w,
i'm pretty sure the only things i've ever killed were others' faith in me and flies; but then again those things are probably the most irritating of bugs to exist.

here, by this tree, tuesday night, 10:00 p.m

you have a point. i'll see you tomorrow then, y


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