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Twenty-four, seventy-two, one-hundred-twenty. Hours. Hours kept passing, nights kept fading, and Wooseok no longer received letters beneath the moon and by the river.

He'd leave a note and each time it was taken, but it was never replied to. He wondered if somebody other than Yuto had found them, or if his foolish little peck had driven the man away.

Wooseok was well-aware that he'd done a mistake by acting on his instinct in such an embarrassing way, but he had wanted to somehow seal his words with an act of assurance. He had no idea at the time that Yuto would dislike it as much as he did.

It was with bitten-nails and a stiff hand that Wooseok sat to scribble down another note he promised would be his last should Yuto not answer.

hey yuto,
i hope you're doing alright. i'm sorry about
what i did by the bridge, i wasn't thinking
clearly. please forgive me. it's alright if
you don't though. write to me if you
want to, i'd like to keep in touch.


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