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dear moon,
i believe somebody keeps taking my notes from you. where they used to fall, protected in the nearby bushes, i now can't spot them anywhere. if you're reading this, stranger, who are you?

Wooseok should have assumed he would be eventually caught. Did this _y person always simply let the letters accumulate until they tiredly dropped to the floor? At being directly addressed, he felt exposed, somehow caught red-handed, even if who he was was as much of a mystery as the writer was to him.

He couldn't bring himself to leave a reply, instead he pocketed the note as he did with all those before them. The black-headed male began to worry that he had truly invaded somebody's privacy, overstepped into something that had absolutely nothing to do with him and that never would have had he not taken the lower pathway beside the river instead of the one on the higher level nearer to the road.

Even so, now he was in it, tangled in the fine threads of this unexpected situation, and he didn't want to leave without making himself useful in someway. Being of help was, ironically, the only method of repayment for having been nosey, he believed, and if the moon wouldn't do it then he would.


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