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Wooseok's thoughts were as tumultuous as the new born winter waves, rolling one way and then another, swallowed up by the next. He'd decide on feigning ignorance with regards the lonely presence of the letters that would be stuck to their tree whether he picked them off or not, and then he'd decide to not back away from the unknown and do what he could to be a presence of comfort.

He'd take a step toward the notes, and then spin on his heels, going along the higher pathway to avoid having to walk past them, as if their eyes would follow him as he crossed and their flapping edges would cry to him to be held.

On one afternoon he conquered his reluctance to see them and was surprised to find a sole, rectangular piece of white against a deep brown that blackened in spots. Wooseok couldn't help but wonder if the tree were sick.

dear moon,

he read, in that usual writing that varied between rough scribbles and tranquil strokes,

i want to drown in the river you illuminate so sweetly. i want its water to gradually pull my flesh from my bones, until i'm nothing but a clean frame of what my body is, down on the riverbed's pebbles and soil.

his stomach churned, his jaw tensed,

if you're reading this, do you come and go by the tide at the moon's will?

He would have replied that maybe he did. Perhaps this was all occurring at the hands of a higher force, possibly a god, possibly the moon, but Wooseok didn't believe in anything more than luck and would occassionally spoil himself with the scant ponderings of a destiny written for all of them, so he doubted either of the two former were plausible.

He huffed, his breath coming out as vapour in the fresh air that pricked within his hot lungs, causing frost to line his throat. Again, the letter was taken with him and again the writer was left with no reply; but Wooseok found himself more worrying than thinking.


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