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Initially he had hoped that the writer would acknowledge his existence, and then proceed to ignore him if he never replied. Much to Wooseok's abashment though, that was not the case.

_y began to speak to him directly then, and of course, being true to that streak of timidity and embarrassment that ran through his character like a coloured vein in a slab of marble, he couldn't find it in him to respond.

The letter the following fortnight read:

dear moon & stranger,
it seems i must begin my letters as such now. whoever you are, why do you hide when you've already witnessed so much of myself? do you believe it's fair?

And no, when _y puts it like that it doesn't sound fair, but Wooseok didn't know how to break this comfortable barrier of complete anonymity between them without coming off as a creep or incredibly awkward, and first impressions are important, right? Though he supposed his first impression had already been made.

He huffed a heavy breath and hurriedly pushed the envelope into his pants' pockets, not bothering about its corners folding over or its centre wrinkling.


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