The beginning

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Imagine girl above with white hair that's Phoenix.

Phoenix smirked from her perch high above the streets, as dozens of clueless people passed underneath the branch she was stationed on.

She sat in her tree for hours on end,quietly observing those around her without resting.
After all,breaks can wait,however her mission could not.

When the sun set,she easily made her way down from her perch,and headed for the main entrance.
Her small frame going unnoticed as she crossed the courtyard,
Or so she thought....

Suddenly,her whole body tensed,
Her heart pounding against her ribs,as she felt the familiar itchy feeling overtake her body.
'I'm being watched', she thought carefully,as she made sure she didn't quicken her pace.

Someone was paying attention to her,meaning she couldn't go inside yet,or it would draw them close to her and she couldn't afford their curiosity at the moment.

She made her way to a bench that was sitting close to the main entrance,but far enough away that no one would notice her,Or so she thought...

It seemed forgotten,almost out of place.
'Just like me,', she thought bitterly.

The bench creaked as she watched a men quietly take a seat beside her,she could feel his olive colored eyes studying her intensely.

'She looks familiar,like an old friend that I haven't seen in a while.'

Phoenix could practically feel his eyes burning a hole into the side of her head.
She had enough,this is one of her biggest pet peeves.She finally snapped,
"Can I help you with something?,"
She said irritably.
He studied the small girl next to him,
"Sorry,I'm Axel,who might you be?",
He questioned calmly,noting the wild expression in her familiar green/blue eyes.
"I'm no one,"the girl answered with underlying acceptence.
He cocked an eyebrow and let a smile slip as he retaliated,
"And why can't I get myself to believe that little bird?,"
he asked teasingly.

She just shrugged staring off into the distance.
The comfortable silence was broken by a heavy body plopping themselves into the empty space beside the small girl.
Making her jump.
Wide blue/green eyes met dark ones,His lips slowly pulled into a smirk.
Phoenix quickly took in his appearance, but her gaze snapped to meet his again,when the men in front of her started to speak,
"Little bird is too small,"
He states his accent thick within the words.
Phoenix glared at the goliath of a men in front of her.

The men ignored her glare,despite the warning in his friends gaze,
He let out a deep belly laugh,

Stunning both the girl and Axel into silence.

"She is not Little Bird,
She is Malen'kaya ptitsa,"
He states laughing,
"Oh,I'm Raven.Malen'kaya ptitsa."
(Translation at bottom.)
Axel sighed.
She frowned at the men.
Suddenly,her watch on her left wrist beeped.
The three glanced down.
The two men noted the scars on her wrist both new and old.
She quickly stood up and met both of their eyes.
"I have to go.Nice to meet both of you," her eyes gleamed with mischief,that the men recognized,but couldn't place.
She continued the gleam becoming more prominent,
"Bye Bossmen,Bye Crow,"
She waved as she walked away toward the door.
Leaving the men on the bench.

"Malen'kaya Zhar ptitsa!,"Raven bellowed,
"My names Raven,Not crow!"
She walked backwards toward the hospital entrance.
"Net Vorona ya ne oshibayus!,"
She states fluently in Russian.
"Vashe imya Vorana."

The two men are too shocked to move,so they helplessly watch the young girl dissappear through the glass doors.

Raven turns his surprised eyes tod Axel and says quietly,
"YA by Neprov moy dorogoy drug,
Ona ne Zhar ptitsa.Ona doch' Zapada."

Both men stare where she disappeared.

Axel sighs,
"The Blackbourne team better be ready,If Gabe thought Sang was trouble just wait to they meet her daughter."

Malen'kaya ptitsa
Little fire bird

Net Verona ya ne oshibayus
No I'm not mistaken.

Vashe imya Verona
Your name is crow

Ya byl Naprov moy dorogoy drug,
I was wrong my dear friend

ONA ne Zhar ptitsa.
She isn't a fire bird

Ona doch' Zapada
She is the daughter of West.

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