2. Inroduction With Pallet

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After the Colorful Precure's falling, Pallet waken up, he was in a room full of other fairies, and 4 humans, the humans were trying to break the door for get out of the room.

After the Colorful Precure's falling, Pallet waken up, he was in a room full of other fairies, and 4 humans, the humans were trying to break the door for get out of the room

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Rose: (kicking the door, angry) Come one dumb door! Open at once!

Coco: Milk calm down-coco.

Nuts: Yes-natsu, you can see you can't open it-natsu.

Beat: Then let's see if we can broke it with music! PRECURE! HEARTFULL BEAT ROCK! (throws a big music ring to door, but nothing)

Hummny: Looks like it's soundproof-nya.

Felice: What about magic? Cure up! Ra Pa Pa! Door! Open please! (doesn't happen nothing)

Mofurun: Magic also doesn't work-mofu.

Parfait: Argh! We can't get out of here! (tries to open with stress) Openopenopenopen!

Pekorin: Parfait calm down-peko!

Chorou: Pekorin says the truth-jaba. We have to think another strategy-jaba.

Pallet: (winks twice) What's going one here-leto?

Syrup: Hey! The new woken up-ropu.

Pallet: (seen that everyone now is playing attention to him) Who are you? Where are Bara and the others?

Mepple: Are you a fairy of some Precures-mepo?

Pallet: Yes-leto! From the Colorful Precure-leto!

Mipple: That explains why you are here-mipo.

Porun: We are also fairies of Precures-popo.

Pallet: Really-leto?

Lulun: Yeah-lun! We need to get out of here!

Pallet: (pointing out the Cures) and who are they? Precures?

Parfait: That's it! I'm Cure Parfait! (turns into Kirarin)

Kirarin: And also I'm a fairy named Kirarin-kira!

Rose: I'm Milky Rose (turns into Milk)

Milk: And I'm also Milk-miru!

Pallet: Wait are the 4 also fairies?

Beat: Well, not exactly.

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