13. Against Doctor Time

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Magenta and Pallet busted Doctor Time trying to make another room, it was a total white room, an a infinite empty, they also saw Docto Time's body for the first time, he was always hide in shadows, but never seeing him, he was very unexpressive and with with an a emotionless face, he look like a dead.

Magenta and Pallet busted Doctor Time trying to make another room, it was a total white room, an a infinite empty, they also saw Docto Time's body for the first time, he was always hide in shadows, but never seeing him, he was very unexpressive an...

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Magenta: You... Are Doctor Time...

Doctor Time: Why... Why are you still here?

Magenta: Because what you do is bad?

Doctor Time: Is really bad?

Magenta: What do you mean?

Doctor: You all... Shall be destroyed.

Magenta: Why? I just can't understand why? Why this plan? Why did you captured all the fairies?

Doctor Time: You like make questions don't you? How annoying... You are all the same...

Pallet: That's not true-leto!

Magenta: Pallet?

Pallet: Black, Parfait, Cosmo, Blossom, Mint, Lemonade, Peach, Pine, Whip, Princess, Lovely, Egret, Dream, White, Bloom, Berry, Mermaid, Passion, Rouge, Rose, Aqua, Marine, Magical, Felice, Beat, Melody, Rhythm, Star, Moonlight, Heart, Sunshine, Diamond, Sword, Happy, Peace, Rosetta, Honey, Ace, Fortune, Sunny, March, Beauty, Muse, Echo, Miracle, Milky, Flora, Soleil, Scarlet, Yell, Amour, Ma Cherie, Custard, Chocolat, Macaron, Twinkle, Ange, Gelato, Luminous, Etoile, Cyan, Mallow, Jaune, and Magenta, they are all different, maybe similar in some things, but different all-leto.

Magenta: Pallet... When did you remembered all the names?

Pallet: I don't know-leto... (laughs)

Doctor Time: You make me feel sick.

Magenta: I still can't understand why.

Doctor Time: You met lots of Cures today don't you? There are even more, an infinite of them. I supose you don't know Cure Cronos.

Magenta: Uh no, I discovered this world today.

Doctor Time: She existed a long time ago... But then, time stolen her.

Pallet: What do you mean with...? (Magenta put her hand in Pallet's little body, she was going to cry, then Pallet understood the situation)

Doctor Time: Time is cruel and destroys everything, even lifes... Nobody deserves life, that's why, I will let people who is eternal... Destroy everything.

Magenta: So it was that... You know? You have reason, but even that, life is beautiful cause it's short, isn't it?

Doctor Time: Why?

Magenta: There are lots of things I want to do, that's why, I will try to do a lot! (smiles)

Then Doctor Time remembered something, there was a hospital, there was him, very old, but with skin color, there was an old woman a bed too, the woman got young Doctor Time's hand, saying: "I'm so happy of what I make in my life", then, the flashback turned black and white, a sharp sound of pulsation resounded in the room, the woman was dead.

Doctor Time: Mansei... My love...

Magenta: What?

Doctor Time: (smiles, and gives her the book) Take care of this ok?

Magenta: What is it?

Doctor Time: It's time, time to say bye, thank you, Cure Magenta, thank you, Pallet.

Magenta: (understanding what was going on and returning the book) You should take it, she will want to see it.

Doctor Time: (starts dissapearing with the book, he's smiling, Magenta is happy and also crying, like Pallet) Cure Cronos will be happy when she sees that I'm with her...

Doctor Time dissapeared, the new room started dissapearing, then, Bara woken up, she was destranformed, she saw them, all the Precures were there, even Violet, Luchia and Ao, Bara told very fast what happened, then, the girls expended a very peaceful day together. Bara met her mega-senpai Cure Black, Ao learned lots of pain things from Cure Melody, Luchia was super happy to see again Princess, and Violet and Moonlight had also a great time, everyone was happy, Pallet then, appreciated something.

Pallet: This moment-leto... I will treasure it forever.


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