4. Cure Mallow In The Time Labyrint

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Mallow fallen in a different place than Magenta and the others, her first reaction was the same as Magenta, the Labyrinth was kinda unexpressive.

Mallow: Looks like at the end we separated... This Bara! Why she has to be so clumsy! I need to find the girls, and Pallet! Without Muse and Echo we have problems, if us 4 can't do nothing againsts one Backintime, imagine all by own...

Mallow keepeed looking for the girls, but then, she heard a noise close to her, she was thinking: "not a Backintime, not a Backintime, not a Backintime". Then she poked his head for see what was going on, there was a Backintime yeah, but this Backintime it was being flighted by three girls.

 Then she poked his head for see what was going on, there was a Backintime yeah, but this Backintime it was being flighted by three girls

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Moonlight: (noticing Mallow) Are you going to help or just to look?

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Moonlight: (noticing Mallow) Are you going to help or just to look?

Mallow: (scared a bit) Uh!? Um... I'm... Cure Mallow...

Sunshine: Mallow? Is your name based in a flower?

Mallow: Yes... I like flowers...

Marine: Blossooooooooom! Where the heck is your Backintimeeeeee.

Moonlight: Marine! Relax! We will rescue Blossom, don't worry.

Mallow: Blossom? Anyway who are you?

Marine: Presentation time!

Sunshine: Girls... The Backintime...

Marine: The flower that moves with the wind of the ocean! Cure Marine!

Sunshine: The flower that baths with the sun rays! Cure Sunshine!

Moonlight: The flower that shines in the moonlight! Cure Moonlight!

Sunshine: We finished saying the phrases...

Moonlight: We are the Heartcatch Precure, we protect the Heart Flowers...

Mallow: Flowers...

Moonlight: We should keep fighting.

Sunshine: Right! Marine can you help me?


Marine and Sunshine turned into a spiral and attacked the Backintime once and once again, meanwhile, Moonlight was explaining.

Moonlight: We are her because our fairies are kidnapped, also our friend Cure Blossom has turned into a Backintime, we are looking for her, but we finded this Backintime which also is a Uzaina.

Mallow: A Uzaina?

Moonlight: Bloom and Egret fight this monsters, they are created with the nature's spirits.

Mallow: So Bloom or Egret are inside.

Moonlight: You aren't bad.

Mallow: Well, I'm the oldest of my group, I have to be a bit imrpesive, hehe...

Moonlight: (laughed a bit, she was the same) Why are you here?

Mallow: Our fairy Pallet has been kidnapped too, Cure Muse and Cure Echo helped us to arrive here, but then my sister and I separated.

Moonlight: Your sister?

Mallow: Cure Magenta. A very energetic girl. I'm looking for her.

Moonlight: Oh yeah, that reminds me to (looks Marine, who ended the attack).

Marine: Hey Moonlight! Help a bit don't don't think!?

Sunshine: Come on Marine, she was helping the new one...

Moonlight: It's true, come on Mallow, help us! PRECURE! SILVER FORTE WAVE!

Moonlight started fighting the Backintime also, Mallow was there, stopped, looking the fight.

Marine: What is it Mallow?

Mallow: I'm not able to fight.

Marine: Why?

Mallow: I'm very bad, the other Backintime was almost going to kill me and my team, now that I'm alone, I have even more less probabilities...

Sunshine: I don't think that so.

Marine: Sunshine?

Sunshine: I joined Blossom and Marine months later than they, I was more weak than them, but thabks to her, I could get as stronger as them, you just need practice, and here you have us!

Mallow: Sunshine...

Marine: How deep are you sunshine!

Sunshine: Do you really think that so?

Mallow: (happy, and reminding Bara, Ao and Luchia) Allright! Let me help then! (throws a big purple mallow)


arine: (with sparkling eyes) Awesome!

Mallow: Eh... Thanks!

Sunshine: Geez Marine, don't scare the new!

Marine: Sooooorryyyy!

Mallow: (while she keeps fighting, for her) These girls, Moonlight, Blossom, Marine and Sunshine... (speaking in high voice) I have to fight for them too, I will find my team! PRECURE! MALLOW LIFESTORM!

That last move leaved the Blinky really bad of power, but then, it happen the same as with the Zakenna, red eyes, lots of clocks, and harder.

Moonlight: Mallow! You should go!

Mallow: But...

Sunshine: SUNFLOWER AEGIS (creates a shield) We will Bloom and Egret, and then we will meet again!

Mallow: What about...

Marine: Run! Oh, and if you find Blossom please come again!

Moonlight: Marine!

Marine: Just kidding, but run, you have to find your team!

Sunshine: And save the fairies!

Mallow: OK! I trust in you! (leaves them)

Mallow: (when she left the Heartcatch group) It's curious that there are other Precures, but it's more curious how they care of the others, that girls, I want to see them again, that's why I will find everyone! (runs)

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