What actually happened?

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AUTHORS NOTE: I've realised my mistake in the quote of the previous chapter. Thanks for pointing it out! 😂

There's definitely been more closure. I'm beginning to remember things about who I was and what happened to me.

Yet there's still so many holes and gaps I can't fill in.

Occasionally I go on the internet and search myself up.

The results I get are people longing for me to play again.

But how can I do that when I can barley remember anyone I play with?

The phone rings. I've decided to pick it up.
The caller reads Carli so I gladly pick it up.

"Hey Els! How are you?"
"I'm ok...as good as I can be."
"Well that's good. Listen, I was wondering whether you'd like me to come over."
"Yeah...that'd be nice."
"Great! Basically though...I was wondering whether you want me to bring some current faces of the team."
"That you know well."

Well I obviously don't know them well now do I?

"Um, yeah ok. When can you come over?"
"Well, we're here."

With that, the doorbell rang. Definitely the most familiar sound to me now.

I open the door and see Carli standing with ten other strangers.

Well no...I recognise the blue eyed girl, Alex Morgan.

I'm introduced to Megan Rapinoe, Becky Sauerbrunn, Ashlyn Harris, Ali Krieger, Kelley O'Hara, Allie Long, Alyssa Naeher, Morgan Brian and Tobin Heath.

Or Pinoe, Broon, Ash, Kriegs, Squirrel, Harry, Lys, Moe and Harry as I would call them.

Wait, why do I call two of them Harry?

They all seem happy to see me, however the sadness in their eyes is evident.

We all make our way to the living room where Becky is the first to speak.
"So..." I'm surprised by how elegantly she speaks. "how's recovery?"

I nod, surprised by the question. "Not too bad, I'm doing ok, remembering some stuff."

Megan whooped. "Yay! Maybe you'll get back to normal!"

I see everyone else looking uncomfortable.
"Megan," I hear Alex say, ever so quietly, "we have to be patient. We're still taking baby steps. Recovery is a long road."

Even though what Alex was saying is true, it still pains me to hear the last sentence.

Now Ali is speaking.
"So I've heard you spoke to our old teammates." She gestures to Carli so I guess they heard from her.

"What were they like?" Ash wants to know, looking at me.

I swallow a nervous gulp. "Erm, they were quite nice. I did enjoy my time with them..." I look to Carli and her face appears to be saying something different.

Allie frowns. "What's wrong Carlos?"

Carli shakes her head. "I'm fine it's just..." she's looking to Alex, "it was hard for them, especially Kristine."

For a minute, I don't remember who that is, then I realise it was the woman who barley spoke to me.

Alex is speaking again.
Gently holding my hand, she tells me, "Kristine was the mother figure to us both on the team. We idolised her as kids, we both said our biggest hopes were to ever meet her, let alone play alongside her."

It seems like we're moving on, with Alyssa wanting to know, "How's life at home? With Devon and the kids?"

I wince, just thinking about things is painful enough.
Deciding to confide in my teammates, I tell them at Devon awkwardness around me, Daniella finding it hard to trust me and Matty saying I wasn't his mum.

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