Why did I file for divorce?

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Authors Note: Ok, I'm definitely running out of ideas 😂
This might be one of the last chapters of this story, depends on my mood.
Thanks for the support as always!

Devon's been acting...weird. Or distant. But I'm not sure if everything's ok.

He seems like a nice guy. And I can see why I fell for him. But as of late...he seems to be avoiding me.

Especially as all of a sudden, I'm alerted to the fact that Devon's 'hastily' arranged a trip to Vegas with friends for the night.

Like, what the fuck?

It's nearly eleven now and I still can't get to sleep. Constantly twisting and turning, my husband is on my mind.

So I get out my phone. And look at my text messages where my last conversation is with Carli arguing over pineapple on pizza (I personally despise that) and give a small smile.
Surely I can ask my teammate anything, right?

Now I'm texting, hitting the letters that read:

Hey Carlos!
Sorry to bother you so late at night!
But I just wanted to ask a quick question:
why did I file for divorce from Devon?

I don't expect her to respond l, at least until the next day. Yet within ten minutes, I get a text.

Hey Els!
Me and Alex were admittedly discussing that the other day. Unfortunately we don't know as you never told us. I'm sure you told Tobin though so she might be able to help out.

Tobin? Tobin? The person who blamed me for my memory loss? Well, she is right in a way, but how can I speak to someone, who I've heard say that I value myself above others?

I text back a thanks but I'm still stuck.
Intrigued however, I search up Tobin's name in my contacts. Nothing comes up.
Wait, what if I didn't save her as that?

Tobs? No.
Toby? Definitely not.

Harry? There's two Harry's on my list.
A Harry H and a Harry L.
Harry H has a 😎 next to its name and Harry L has 💅 .

Yep, I think Harry H is Tobin.

Again, I begin to type out a message but there's so many questions in my head.

Does she even want to speak to me?
Will she ever respond?
Is she even awake?
What if Tobin can't remember?
What if the divorce was my fault?

Brushing my worries away, I send a message.

Hello Tobin,
You don't need to respond to this message and I don't blame you if you don't.
I just want to ask a question, that will probably prove you right in that I am egotistical.
I asked Carli about whether she knew why Devon and I were on the brink of a divorce.
She said she had no idea why and that I only ever told you.
I'm just wondering whether you can answer that question instead.
If not, no worries and I'm sorry for wasting your time.

I sent the message at 11:02pm .
Is Tobin even awake?

I don't receive anything for a while but just as I feel my eyelids getting heavy and beginning to shut, my phone vibrates.

Should probably have it on silent.

I know I can't ever take my words back.
It should be me that says sorry. I was nothing but a jerk to you when I visited and it pains me each day we go without speaking to each other. I was just hurt, I guess and what I said about you being egotistical was never true.
You've ALWAYS put others in front of yourself and that was the reason why you suffered memory loss.
Anyway, as far as I know, Carli is right that you only told me why you decided to file for divorce.
I mean, you literally only told me. Not even Devon himself knows.
I could tell you over text but knowing you, I don't feel like that's right.
I can't come over of course, because of the kids but I could call you maybe if that's ok with you?

Reading our previous exchanges, I'm pretty sure that's the longest text message Tobin's ever sent me.
So of course, I'm going to reply.

If that's ok. Is it ok if I call you?

Yeah that's fine

So I trudge down to the conservatory, tripping over my stupid dressing robe several times.
Then I hit on Tobin's contact, waiting for her to pick up.

I: Yes?
T: (sniff) Oh it's been so good to speak to you again
I: Tobin, you emotional?
T: Maybe
I: Thought that was rare
T: Shut up dude
I: Just to let you know that Devon's not at home
T: Where is he?
I: He said he was going to Vegas with some friends
T: Typical
I: What did you say Tobin?
T: Well nothing...I mean it's typical for him to do that
I: Why?
T:Because he's got a problem
I: I can clearly see that Tobin, do you know what it is?
T: (dry chuckle) Unfortunately
I: Is it bad?
T: I'd say so
I: So uh...what's his problem?
T: Addiction
I: Oh fuck off...sorry
T: It's fine
I: What's he, like, addicted to?
T: Gambling...and I'd say alcohol as well
I: Has he gotten treated for them?
T: Well that I don't know, probably not considering that you told me you divorced because you didn't want to look after a guy who doesn't want to solve his problems
I: So he acknowledges them?
T: No
I: Shit
T: Exactly
I: Well, don't want to be keeping you up any longer Tobin, may I ask why you were so up so late anyway?
T: Haha! Well ok, you can know as my best friend. I've been thinking of ways to propose to Christen
I:OOOOOH! Oh fuck, I think I woke up Matty

T: I know, I'm nervous to do so. Anyways, remember this Ellie: I'm always here for you. And you might not think that, you have a right to after what I did, but if you have a problem you can always come to me. And Carli. And Alex. The USWNT is a big family and you're part of it.

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