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Authors Note: I don't know what's wrong with me, I just keep making stories so short! I promise that "Homegrown" will be about the same length as "Numb", but I can't find a way to keep this story going 💔

The final of the 2047 World Cup has just concluded, giving us our sixth star.
It was emotional to watch, with it being my eldest Daniella, playing her last ever match for the USWNT.
She's recently started a family of her own, making me a grandmother.

Only a couple of years ago, my daughter came out as bisexual and it was quite emotional for the both of us to say the least.
So I'm standing next to her partner, who's holding their two kids.
Glancing at the scoreboard brings tears to my eyes each time.
We won 2-0, with both the goals coming from my kids. Dani scored the first in the 67th minute and Miracle scored in like the last minute of the game with both goals assisted by Charlie.

The past USWNT was invited to see the present lift the trophy and afterwards my two daughters came over.

"My girls!" I hug them both before they are teased by their brother for how sweaty they look, "I'm so proud of you!"
"Thanks mom!" Daniella lets go of me before kissing her wife and taking the children from her.
I look to my youngest child. "How are you?"
Miracle scratches her neck. "There's something I need to tell you."
I frown at how uncomfortable she looks.
"What's going on?"
Miracle looks to her phone. "Um...dad basically managed to get my number and he wants to speak to me."
She looks to me, anxious to see how I respond, although I just shrug causally.
"I'm fine. What's the problem?"
Miracle looks to the sky, where the sun is setting.
"What if I'm disappointed?"
I follow her gaze.
"Whatever happens, whether you repair your relationship or not, you can't escape heartbreak Miracle. Or recovery. Sometimes you have to take it on the chin and keep going."


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