The One Where Joe Becomes A 2013 Youtuber

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If you couldn't tell, I'm really fucking bored, please give me ideas of what to do in this book ...

1. Do you go by a nickname?

Joe / Joey / JoJo / Dickhead

2. When driving, do you listen to CD's, tapes, the radio or nothing?

CD's and radio, my car isn't that old to have tapes 😂

3. Are you a window person or an aisle person?


4. How do you relieve stress?


5. What's your favorite childhood TV show?

Barney the dinosaur

6.When you were a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up?


7.What was the best prank you ever pulled off?

The classic 'who are you?' After getting concussion during football

8.If you could have dinner with any three people, whom would you choose?

Mila Kunis, Michael J Fox & Harry Kane

9.If you could get back any article of clothing you once wore, what would it be?

That hippie blanket, that was such a good blanket before I cut it

10.If you could hire any actor to portray you in a movie, who would you chose?



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