7- Violet Or Violin

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"Ah, yes, I must have forgotten the real reason why we asked you here, Princess."

Tamaki walks into the corner of the room and pulls off a sheet that once covered a grand piano. "Would you like to play a duet? Princess.." I just stood there, frozen in place.
I didn't know what to do. I'm not very sure if I want to play in front of half the school since it took me a lot of confidence to perform out on a large stage. "It's okay to be nervous, (Y/N)-chan, alright.?" I see the little blonde boy holding my free hand. I take a deep breath...

He gently pulls me over next to the piano.
I set my case down and open it up.
"Any song recommendations.?" I ask as I lift my violin and bow out. "Why don't we start off with something easy, like- here's a good one!"

The girl with the bow in her hair miraculously pulled out a music sheet and tosses it to Tamaki. "Uh-okay then... Can you play this, Princess?" I look over at the set piece and read the notes. "Yes, I know this one to heart."

I smile and raise my violin to its proper stance. My smile turned into a smirk. "Just try to keep up." Tamaki puts on a puzzling look, then changes it back into a smile. "I'll do my best."

'I can't believe that he's able to keep up with my speed. Not even the professional pianist my parents hired could keep up with me..

He's...interesting..' I began to pick up the pace a little bit, going faster. 'How fast can you go? Tamaki Suoh.' I smile and went a bit faster till I reached my limit. But who says I can't go over it. Just a few minutes before the song ended, one of the strings on my bow snaps.

'Like I'll let a broken string pull me back.'
I smirk and continued playing. I can hear Tamaki trying to match my speed. But as soon as the song ended, Tamaki immediately stops to take a breather.

All the girls run over to Tamaki, squealing, as the boys broke out in applaud. I set down my broken bow and violin back in my case.

"That was- incredible, my little girl!" Tamaki runs up and hugs me like I was his daughter or something. "I'm impressed, no one could keep my speed." I show a little smile.

"Well, I am 'The King' after all." I giggled, then one of the twins spoke up. "Hey, you should work for the Host Club." 'Say what now?'

The boy with the glasses hummed in agreement. "Your music could attract more customers. And you could work as a hostess part time too." I just stared at him wide eyed. 'Me?! A hostess?! They can't be serious..'

"Hold on a minute, we can't just decide for her." I take a breath of relief as Haruhi steps in, but the others wouldn't listen. "Yes, yes, this is perfect..." The girl with the bow kept mumbling some other things that I couldn't hear.

The small boy runs up to me and hugs my waist. "It would be so exciting to work together, (Y/N)-chan." The girl with the bow walks up to me with a microphone in her hand as she puts her other hand on my shoulder.

"Alright, that settles it then. Princess ( Y/N) (L/N), is the new member of the Host Club."
I just stood there frozen as all the girls clap for me. Tamaki walk up to me. "Don't be nervous, Princess. It is our top priority to make sure we make every girl happy. That includes you too. Right boys."

"Right!" 'Looks like I'm in for one heck of a school year

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"Right!" 'Looks like I'm in for one heck of a school year.'

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