10- Pick A New Flower

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 (Y/N)'s POVI now sit at my desk, looking out the window, wondering if I should- 'No! Isn't this all a bit mean and crazy

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(Y/N)'s POV
I now sit at my desk, looking out the window, wondering if I should- 'No! Isn't this all a bit mean and crazy.? Kyoya Ootori is willing to convince my parents, to give me my freedom. If I just visit the Host Club.'

I sigh and roll my eyes.. 'I'd rather be stuck in my room..playing music...and keep winning music competitions for the rest of my- Okay. I see it now..' I hesitate, before pulling out my phone..

I text my driver, telling him to come pick me up later, after club hours.. The bell rings, signaling me that lunch has started. I make my way towards the cafeteria, already being swarmed by a herd of girls..

"(Y/N)-chan, is it true.? Are you really becoming a Hostess?" The girls start squealing, asking me more questions about the Host Club. "We'll request you!" The girls stop crowding over me, as they hear the sound of clapping.

"Alright, my darlings. Give our new member some space." Tamaki smiles at them, sending them off. "Princess (Y/N), I am so pleased that you have agreed to-" I held my hand up in front of him..

"Don't greet me just yet, Suoh. I would like to see the club for myself. I would like to see how your members act, before I can decide. And right now, they aren't being really proper, are they?"

I glance behind him, watching the twins feeding Fujioka.. Tamaki panics and runs over to them. I roll my eyes and make my way back to my seat. "Miss (L/N), how lovely to see you again."

I turn to see Kyoya smirking, with his glasses shinning over his vision.. "I already know what you're thinking." I take a small sip of my tea and give him a glance. "So, you're joining the Host Club?"

Kyoya crosses his arms, smiling at me.. "Don't go jumping too far into this..." I grip my fists tight.. "Why me.? This is just..so ridiculous. If I join your club, I can be free from my parents orders. Not to mention, that is kinda rude."

I cross my arms and glare at him. "Is this how gain customers?" I raise my voice a little, making Kyoya stunned. "Is this what you hosts do? Promise a girl something that they've always wanted, just so that you can gain popularity?"

Whispers start to pass onto each other around the cafeteria. I grab my things; and make my way out of the crowded room. "(Y/N)-Senpai!" I turn to see Haruhi running towards me. "What is it, Haruhi? I got practice."

"Senpai..you know that's not true. So, why did you say that?" I frown and look down at the floor. "It's because, my parents are giving me a hard time.." Haruhi raises her head, staring at me with an interested look in her eyes..

"I'm listening." Haruhi gives me full direct attention..


"Mommy, what is this.?" I ask, holding the instrument in my tiny hands. "That, my dear, is a violin. A classical instrument. It makes beautiful sounds." My mom takes the violin and starts to play a little tune.

"Here, you try." My mom smiles; but her eyes looked very stern and controlling when she handed me the violin. "Rest your chin like this. And hold your elbow up like this." I set the strings on the violin, and began to play.

A loud horrible screeching came out of it; making my mom cover her ears. I look away and cover my mouth, trying not to laugh at her expression. "What was that retched sound?"

All of a sudden, my dad poked his head through the doorway, looking down at me, still holding the violin. "Oh.? You're teaching her to play, I see." My dad holds his hands behind his back, as he walks in with posture.

"I am. I believe, that our daughter will make a wonderful replacement." I tilt my head, wondering why they called me a "replacement" since I never knew such a word. "She does know her ABC's; she should know how to read the strings, too."

My dad picks me up and sets me next to a stand with a paper on it. "Now, (Y/N). Read the letters, and play." I didn't know what was going on, so I started playing anyway. "Wrong. Again."


~1 year later~

I move my elbows side to side, as I perfectly keep up with the music. The bright lights above me show my sweat glistening, as the crowd watches me carefully. A loud stream of applause crashes from the music hall.

I bow and make my way off stage. I see my parents in standing at the entrance of the theater; I could tell just from by their crossing arms and tapping feet, that they didn't like my performance. No..they hated it.

I ran off back stage, waiting for the show to be over, so that I could go home. With just a few moments later, my name get called, as I hear clapping from other musicians next to me. I fake a smile and walk out on stage.

The judges join me up there, as I receive my prize for first place. I walk out of the music hall, hoping to not to see my parents disappointed faces. Just to my luck... They were standing with a frown.

I at least felt a little joy, because the frowns on their faces were a little lighter than last competition. I knew I made progress. I walk up to them and show them my prize. They look at each other, then gave me a lecture.

I wasn't really expecting a praise or a compliment. All I wanted was at least some eye contact. My parents pushed me out the door, towards the car. The driver picks me up and buckles me into my car seat.

For the rest of the drive home, I had to practice till my fingers turned red..

~flashback ends~

"And now, Kyoya says that he'll talk to my parents. I already know what their answer will be, so what's the point.? My whole life, I've always wanted to try new things; but music kept getting in the way from it happening."

Haruhi gives me a small calming smile. "(Y/N)-Senpai, it's okay to try new things, but you have to speak up, or else the people around won't be able to hear you. If I were you, I would speak open my mind and tell my parents-"

"Princess (Y/N)." Tapping from across the hallway interrupts our conversation. Kyoya comes walking in on us, wearing that creepy know-it-all smirk on his face. "There is a couple here to see you."

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