chapter-15- A Old Tales part 2

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"This is ridiculous"

"We have more things to worry about then this."

"Lock him a room to control him"

"Enough" zeus yelled making the room go quiet. He glared down at the two boys. "David you are no permitted to be in contact with kana anymore."

"Fuck you" david spat. Kana eyes widen but didnt move from the ground. "You have no say in my relations" zeus glared down at him.

"Dont try me boy!" Zeus yelled. David eyes started to glow. Black smoke started to pour from him. Just when things were about to go bad. Thanatos walked in.

"David stand down" David closed his eyes and breathed slowly. Kana placed his hand on David's to help.

"Kana is a weapon he is nothing more. Not only is he learning to love but to lie. Let's say we let them be and now we give the weapon that could destroy us a opinion? It was something made out of Destruction and vengeance" zeus laughed and continued to glare at david. Thanatos frown looking down at his son.


"No. They will not have him" kana watched in horror David's skin started to disintegrate revealing a skull. Half his face was gone. Zeus frowned putting his defense up. Everyone that was in the room took a step back. The most dangerous God was the ones that were in their teenage years because that's when their power start to develop it was no telling who was Stronger or weaker. The black smoke became stronger and darker

Thanatos swallowed taking a step back. " calm down". Zeus raised his hand in a bolt appeared. Anger was clearly shown on his face. They both start to walk towards each other.

" you're not going to win this fight boy" he growled when they were face to face. David tilted his head.

"Fucking try it" he growled. Zeus anger exploded as the bolt came striking down towards David. Kana screamed in fear. David's eyes roll to the back of his head as the bolt impaled him. Thanatos choked on his own breath as Kana screamed out in agony. Zeus stared at the lifeless body in his hands. He helded no remorse for the boy that didn't know his place.

Just as he was about to pull away he noticed the other side of David's face start to disintegrate away revealing a full skull. Where he was impaled by the bolt started to form into a black hole.

"Fuck" Zeus whispered. The hand that was holding the bolt got caught in the black hole. Zeus face was full of frustration when he couldn't pull out

"I am death. I am void. And you fucking tried it" David's head lift it up forehead to forehead with Zeus. Zeus pulled with all his strength. Kana ran over tugging on David's arm.

" David it's me. This is not you. Please please it would hurt me for you to kill someone because of me. Look at me." David glanced over to the fascinating creature in front of him. Letting go of Zeus David clung onto kana with everything he had. He didn't want to let him go. And wasn't going to let him go. Zeus looked down at his arm that was now tainted black.

Thanatos looked back to Zeus. "now you have to understand. what you want is not going to happen"

zeus gave a unbelievable laugh. "thanatos you know damn well it going to happen. we are to go to war soon. and that is our ticket to winning. we dont need a weapon that will hesitate right before a kill. if so we might as well die right now. thana-"

"I KNOW" thanatos yelled out frustrated. he turned towards the two with no emotion showing. 

"i wont" david growled holding onto him tighter. 

"i know..."thanatos started walking towards them. "δρεπάνι" he held out his hand making a scythe appear. his robe turned black. 

"you cant" david powers started to weaken. kana looked at him and smiled with tears going down his face 

"Wait for me" kana whisper closing his eyes.

"i know" he was right in front of them. he raised his scythe above his head. 

"dad...." david croaked out.

That was the last day that they were together. They were separated. Kana was never found by David. But every single day David would sit by the pond where they first met. Linda the child god of arete. She was always hyper and in good spirits. But not even her presence made David feel anything.

" you're still out here David." She sat next to him. He said nothing and stared down at the water. There was nothing to be said. They both sat there for a while say nothing.

The war Began between the devil and Gods. What was thought to be an easy when turned into a trap. What was thought to be a one-sided win. And gods held a traitor. The key fell into the devils hands. This made gods turn on each other and leave the once place they called home. They were scared and angry. Such a dangerous weapon should have never been created. With the weapon now in the devils hand they began to invade the gods that were left there. David was there after refusing to leave and wait for his return.

Once word spread david saw this as a opportunity to get him back. Desperation filled david to the point of insanity. Fire and destruction was everywhere. David ran as fast as he could to the core. "Kana!" He screamed.

Something was wrong he started to hold his breath. He pushed the doors open and searched the room. There was three people there zeus kana and the devil. They all looked at david. Kana stood there in shock. The devil glared at david stepping away from the group. He bit a part of his thumb and pressed it against the ground. A portal opened dropping him in it. Zeus cursed glaring at the portal.

"Kana..." david whispered.

"Davi-" kana started but Zeus picked him up by his neck. David growled stepping forward.

" this is all your fucking fault. He must die!" zeus roared barely contain his anger.

"Let him go!" David growled worried about kana neck. Zeus raised his hand as david started to run towards them. Just as david was about to touch them. Lightning struck down creating a barrier and striking on kana. Kana cried out in agony in pain before his skin begin to crack. In between the cracks light start to shine out. This didn't stop until the skin became completely broken. The light only got brighter and brighter until the light died out and became several shatter pieces of a jewel.

Zeus let go heavy breathing as David let out a low moan. "Kana...." his sobs turned into screams. The wrath of the god of death had begun. His chest started to feel as if it was caving in. Not only black smoke filled the room it spread it out everywhere. The smoke was filled with poison. The portal of the void moved from his chest and multiplied everywhere only growing larger. The furniture was taken from the floor start to cave in. " you took him from me" the skin disintegrated from David skin so quickly as he dashed towards Zeus. Zeus try to attack with lightning bolts but it was only consumed by the void portals.

David Place both hands on the side of Zeus's face as he was frozen in place. " it is your turn" he screamed as his soul was being taken from his body and going into David's. Once the lifeless body was left in his hands he walked away feeling nothing. His whole purpose was gone. He walked over to the shattered pieces picking them up and holding them close to him. He wanted him back. Through all the fire he carried the pieces close to his chest to the pond.

Even with all the fire surrounding it is still look as beautiful as the first day he saw it. The first day he saw him. He put all but one of the pieces in the river. He wanted to keep one for himself. He wanted him by his side.

As time went on in their sad love tragedy kana was shattered in pieces but wasn't completely destroy it. His soul left into another World and entered another world known as Earth. Where he was going to start a life but never know his true identity. But David will always hold the longing of their meet end the reunion of their love.

He will forever be his key

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