4. Problem.

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                             ...Next morning...

I woke up early, took a shower and went to the kitchen to make us breakfast. I was almost done when Bryan sneakily came and hugged me from behind. I gasped and turned immediately.

Y- You scared me!!
B- *laughs* I am sorry.
Y- Wait...
B- Yup! I can walk now. Only because of you. Gracias, mi amor.
Y- My pleasure.

He was about to kiss me when my phone started ringing. It was Kevin.

B- Oh brother... Wrong timing.

I pushed him a little and received the call.

Y- Hey Kevin. How's you?
K- Great, (y/n). How are you guys?
Y- Perfectly fine. Bryan can walk now.
K- Wow.. That's great.

Bryan started tickling me.

Y- *giggles*
K- What?
Y- No~thi~ng.
K- Are you ok?
Y- Yup. F~ine.
K- Uhmm.. I... will talk to you later.
Y- Ok.

I cut the call.

Y- BRYAN!!! Stop it!!!
B- *still tickling me*

I fell on the floor, laughing. He was still tickling me. I grabbed his hands. He stopped and pecked my lips.

Y- Bryan..
B- Yes?
Y- I was making breakfast.
B- I know.
Y- *laughing, pushing him off* Get off of me. I am hungry!
B- Ohh, (Y/n). That's not fairs!
Y- *laughs* That's 'fairs'.

I continued making breakfast while Bryan went to take a shower. We had our breakfast at around 9.

Y- So... Do you want to go to work or just stay at home and rest?
B- I think I would like to stay at home and spend time with you. Kevin, Joey and Matt are coming back tomorrow. That means you have to go. So we have today only.
Y- That's right. So what's the plan?
B- You wanna watch movie or something?
Y- Sure. Anything you like.

By the time we sat to watch movies it was 12. He started some romantic movie. After a while, Bryan's phone started ringing.

Y- Your phone's ringing.

He picked his phone up and saw who was calling. His expression changed from lovey dovey to irritated.

Y- Who's calling?
B- My ex. I am not picking up.
Y- But what if there is some emergency?
B- No baby, it's no emergency. She just randomly starts calling and begs for me to come back in her life. Even though she's married now... I am with you now and I don't want anyone else. I love you.

I smiled and kissed his cheek and we continued watching the movie. Around 2 PM, I felt asleep. I woke up to a really nice smell. I checked the time. It was 5. I went to the kitchen and saw Bryan cooking something.

Y- You should've woken me up.
B- I thought you must be tired.
Y- You need help?
B- Nope. Almost done.
Y- What are you cooking?
B- (y/f/d)         [your fav. dish]
Y- Ohh, I love that.
B- I know.
Y- You do?
B- Obviously. I know you from 3 years.
Y- And still you started talking to me from yesterday only. I always wanted to be your friend.
B- By what happened to me in the past I think I was just a little scared of getting attached to anyone again.
Y- I can understand.

I hugged him and he hugged me back. Then, we brought our food to the table and sat down.

B- By the way, who's Jason?
Y- Ja...Jason?
B- Someone was calling you from unknown number again and again while you were sleeping so I thought it may be something important so I picked it up but before I could say anything he said "Jason speaking. I know where you are." When I said "excuse me?" He just cut the call.
Y- *pale face* H...H...He knows w...where I am?
B- *worried* (Y/n)! What's wrong? Are you ok?
Y- *calms down a bit* Actually, I went to New York for my studies. There, I met Jason. He was in my class. I had absolutely no interest in him. But he had this huge crush on me. My classmates warned me about him that he is a creep and I should stay away from him. One day, he asked me to be his girlfriend, to which I rejected. Then, he started threatening me. One time, I was returning to my dorm after buying some stuff when I don't know from where he came but he pulled me in an alley. He had a knife and...

I got up and pulled up my top a little and showed him my side which had scar of stitches.

Y- The cut was so deep that I had to get stitches. I was lucky that when this was happening, a couple was walking by who heard my scream and helped me. I complained about him and he got arrested. I have no idea how he got out now but I am scared.

My eyes got teary. Bryan comforted me.

B- Don't cry, (y/n). I am here to protect you. Nothing's going to happen. *flexing his muscles* He'll totally get scared if he see my muscles.
Y- *giggles*
B- *laughs* What? Correct me if I am wrong.
Y- No. You're absolutely right.

After that, I picked up the plates/bowls and started washing them.

Y- Take your medicines, Bryan.
B- I did.
Y- I know you didn't.
B- See. It's empty.

He showed me the empty pack. I got suspicious.

Y- *acts seductively* Ohh, so you did.
B- *goofily* Yup.

I slipped my hand in his pocket and found out the tablets.

Y- What is this?
B-Wha-? But I am ok now!
Y- Come on, Bryan. It's the last one.
B- Fine..! *eye roll*
Y- Good boy.

I turned and started leaving when he suddenly grabbed my hand and pulled me.

Y- Woah!! What was that for?
B- Where are you going. I want a reward.

I looked at him, confused. He lowered his gaze and looked at my lips. I blushed when I realized what he meant. His lips came closer and closer. And then our lips touched and we kissed. It was a passionate kiss. My heart started beating faster and faster. When we parted,

B- *giggles* I can hear that.
Y- Huh!? Hear what?
B- Your heartbeat.

My face turned red. I covered my face with my hands. He ruffled my hair.

B- You're too adorable.
Y- Hey!! I am not a baby!
B- For me, you are.

I stuck my tongue at him and in return he did the same.

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