5. Team Edge Challenge.

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                               ...Next Day...

I was making sure that I do not forget any of my stuff at Bryan's house. My brothers and Kevin were coming back today. It was Sunday. Hi5 Studios and the Edge Space were closed.

B- I don't want to let you go.
Y- But I have to. We'll see each other tomorrow.
B- Yeah. But still. *sigh* Anyways, let's leave for the airport to pick them up.
Y- Yup.

We left and reached to the airport in about an hour.

After a while, the guys came. We gave them a hug and welcomed them. I dropped Bryan and Kevin at their house and then we came to our house. After 2 hours or so, Kevin called me. I picked it up.

Y- Hello?
K- Hello. (Y/n).
Y- Yeah. What's up?
K- What did you do to Bryan?
Y- What do you mean?
K- Where is the real Bryan? This Bryan is smiling, laughing and singing. He was not like this when I left him.
Y- *laughs* You scared me!
K- You wanna tell me what happened here or not?
Y- Yeah. Wait a minute.

I went to the backyard and checked in case Matt or Joey were there. But they were not.

Y- Ok so may or may not be... we confessed about our feelings.

Kevin went silent.

Y- Hello? Kevin?
Y- Geez!! My ear. I can't hear anything now. Thank you so much!
K- Dude!! I-I don't even know what to say!!
Y- Say anything you want but don't tell my brothers right now. We will tell them when we think that the time is right.
K- Your secret is safe with me.
Y- Yo. And you should be resting now. You must be tired.
K- Yeah. Ok then. I'll talk to you later. And... thank you, (y/n). It's been so long since I saw Bryan this happy.
Y- I am glad he's happy now.
K- See you tomorrow.
Y- Yup! See you.

                               ...Next day...

We reached Edge Space a little late. Matt was with us because he was about to be in a Team Edge challenge today. When we entered, Bryan was already there. He was going through some papers. When we came in, he greeted us with a really big smile.

B- Good morning guys!!
Matt and Joey- Good... Morning?

Matt and Joey turned towards me at the same time with a confused look.

Y- What?

Bryan went to his office while I, Joey and Matt went to mine and Joey's office.

M- Dude!! I have never seen him this happy. Not even on his birthday. What happened to him?
J- (Y/n), what did you do?

My heart started racing.

Y- Why do you think I did something?
M- Come on. Let's be serious. He was emotionless Bryan when we left. But look at him now. You were the only one who stayed with him.
Y- I don't know, dude. I did nothing. He was really happy yesterday too.
J- Ok. Just leave it. It's good that he is not that heartless, emotionless person anymore.
M- Well... yeah. You got a point.

A while later, it was time to record the Team Edge challenge. We went to the warehouse.

Bobby- (Y/n), can you please call Bryan?
Y- Sure.

I went to his office and knocked.

Y- May I come in sir?
B- Hey (Y/n). Come in. How are you, babe?
Y- I am good. What about you?
B- Amazing.
Y- Great. Bobby is calling you.
B- Ohh. Ok. Let's go.

On our way to warehouse...

Y- I think my brothers are suspicious about us.
B- What? Why?
Y- They asked what I did to you. *laughs*
B- *giggles* What does that suppose to mean?
Y- Like, you are smiling and all. So they wondered if I did something... You know...
B- Ooooooohhh.. Don't worry. I'll tell them soon.

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