9. Gunshots!!

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                               ...Time skip...

B- (Y/n)!! Wake up!!!
Y- Huh!? What happened?

I looked around. We were in some dark room, which looked like a basement, with only one ventilator from which the moonlight was coming in.

Y- Wh...Where are w...we?
B- I have no idea. I will lift you up. Look from the ventilator and tell me what you see.

He lifted me up. I saw a big black gate.

Y- Just a big black gate. Nothing else.

He put me down and we both sat there not knowing what to do. Then, the door opened and there was another guy with those 2 who brought us here. He came near us and sat on a wooden chair in front of me. My heart stopped when I saw who he was. It was Jason.

J- Hey babe! Missed me?
Y- ...
J- Don't be mad at me. It's been so long since we last talked.
Y- ...
J- So you don't wanna talk. Ok then. I will come back later.

He said and they all left. I started crying as soon as he left. Bryan tried to comfort me.

B- It's ok, baby. I am here with you. Don't cry. We will find a way to get out of here.
Y- I..I'm sor...sorry to drag y...ou in th..is.

Bryan cupped my face.

B- We promised to be there for each other in trouble, remember? Now stop crying and let's find a way and get out of here.

I wiped my tears and we looked around in the room but there was nothing. Then, we heard footsteps. We hurried to the spot where we were sitting and sat there. Jason came in and grabbed me from my hair and started dragging me out of the room. Bryan tried to help me but the other two guys came and held his arms while Jason dragged me out of the room.

Y- *screaming* Leave me!!
J- Scream as much as you want. No one lives nearby.

He, then, grabbed my neck from behind and pushed me in a room. He came in and locked the door. He placed his mobile on the table and started unbuckling his belt. My eyes widened at the thought of what's going to happen with me now. Just then, at the right moment, his phone ringed. He looked at it and went "Shit!" He received the call and said "I'll be there in 10 minutes." and cut the call.

J- *to me* I think you have to wait, babe.

He grabbed my neck again and took me to the room in which I was in with Bryan and threw me. He said something to the other guys. I was still in shock that I didn't heard what he was saying. They left. Bryan had a worried look on his face. He shook me.

B- (Y/n)!! (Y/n), what happened?

I came out from the trance and looked at Bryan. His eyes were teary. I jumped at him and hugged him tightly.

Y- He was about to... He was about to... *cries*
B- *sobs*

We stayed silent for a while and then Bryan said

B- Babe, it's time we get out from here.
Y- Huh!?
B- Out of those 3, there is only one here now. Jason and the other guy have gone somewhere.
Y- How do you know?
B- That idiot was talking in Spanish and told one of them to come with him and one to stay, while he was leaving. I acted like I didn't understand what he said.
Y- But I saw that they have guns.

Bryan told me what to do.

Y- What!? I can't do that!!
B- You have to. There is no other choice. If you want it to end then you have to do this.
Y- *sigh* Ok. I'll do it.

Bryan picked up the chair and went beside the door.

B- *whispers* 1... 2... 3!

I screamed as hard as I could. That guy came in, running.

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