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The day prior had been an awful experience to say the least. Even thinking about the raven haired boy made my blood boil. Who did he think he was? Just because he's rich and a prodigy didn't mean he could do whatever he pleased. If they were anything like him, hanging around The Sevens would be a complete nightmare.

I tug the straps of my backpack tightly as I make myself across the hallway. On one side there are rows of navy blue lockers and on the other, huge windows where the sun spills, casting streams of light onto the marble floor. Before I head to the cafeteria, I'll drop off my backpack. Carrying around a massive backpack all day is the causation for my back problems at an early age.

As I try to open my locker, I spot two blonde girls standing three lockers down mine, gossiping amongst themselves. One of them opens her locker and applies a pink tinted gloss to her lips and then she whispers loudly to the girl next to her.

"Did you hear who got in The Sevens?"

I don't want to be nosy but as soon as I hear them talking about The Sevens I can't help but eavesdrop.

"I heard---."

"Yashiro!" My name echoes through the hallway.

I crank my neck to the side and I see Kou running towards me. Thanks to him, I won't be able to hear the rest of the conversation. Not that it's any of my business to begin with but still.

His blond hair leaves his face and reveals a set of blue eyes and porcelain like skin. I have always been slightly jealous of his effortless clear skin. No special cleansers or overpriced moisturizers, only genetics. Quickly, I shove my backpack inside my locker. Normally I'd wave and yell out his name too but my head and heart weren't into it today.

He makes an abrupt stop right in front of my locker. "Aoi and I were looking all over for you yesterday. Where were you?"

"I had a lot of homework so I was holed up in my dorm all day." I reply. Which wasn't a lie per say, I'm just letting out a few tiny details.

"We were talking about going to homecoming as a trio."

Ah, homecoming. The most awaited time of the year by the student body at Kamome. Attending Homecoming sounded like a dream and the Academy sure knows how to throw an event. According to Aoi, they go all out no matter the cost. It was a Roaring Twenties theme last year and I vividly remember Aoi telling me every detail about it over the phone. The girls at the Academy wore flapper dresses embellished with swarovski crystals and feathered headbands. I had been so excited to transfer here back then but transferring might not have been a grandiose idea after all.

"It's a medieval masquerade." He says.

"Oh really? That sounds cool." I exclaim but the fake excitement seeps through.

"You're going right?"

No, I thought. But I couldn't tell him that the cost of the gown, the mask, and the ticket amounted to more than I could bargain for. And imagining myself with a dress was enough to make me gag.

"Is everything okay?" He asks.

I swallow the lump in my throat. Besides my obvious financial difficulties, I can not let him find out about what happened yesterday. "Yeah, everything is fine."

Before he can question me further, the loud bell rings and a sea of students immediately swarm the hallway. I had never been happier to hear the annoying bell.


Kou takes another spoonful of his mac and cheese and returns his gaze to me waiting for a response. He's obviously not letting the situation go. Curse him for being so stubborn. Looking at him properly, he looks like an exact replica of his brother except, his features are a bit softer. Either way, I probably wouldn't be able to tell them apart from afar.

"So are you going to answer?"

Aoi is sitting across from me too. Her purple hair is up in a bun today with a few loose strands framing her heart-shaped face. "Are you okay?"

I nod and play with the food on my plate. I suppose I am not very good at hiding my emotions.

"You're not answering the question." Kou presses.

"I'm fine."


I throw my hands up in defeat. "Fine. I--"

It's not that I don't want to tell them about my rank. It's that I am still processing what it all means.

After a few moments of silence, Kou's forehead creases with confusion. "You what?'

I try to fix the brooch pinned onto my uniform. "I got a spot in The Sevens ." I mutter.

Aoi nearly spits out her milk and Kou chokes on his Mac N Cheese. Of course they didn't see this coming but I am still way more surprised than they are. But then they start congratulating me and chastising me and I want to hide under the table.

I wave my hands dismissively in their face. "But-but I'm declining my spot. Somebody else would be better qualified for it."

Kou knits his eyebrows together. " You did not just say that. If you got the spot, then you have every reason to accept it."

He goes on with his speech, saying that anyone would kill to be in my position right now and it's true. I know it, but I can't tell them that I have been blackmailed into declining. That one of The Sevens, is threatening me into dropping my rank.

Aoi glares at me. "He's right, why would you decline after all that hard work you put into getting in?"

Well, I did put a lot of work into it. But I also got lucky I guess. I shrug like it's no big deal. Even saying it out loud makes this feel more surreal.

"So you're the mystery person everyone has been talking about." Says Kou.

"I heard everyone from the previous year has kept their rank though, so you might be the only newbie. Which doesn't matter, I'm sure you'll fit right in." Aoi adds.

Contrary to popular belief, I actually have a hard time fitting in with my peers. Sure I can make acquaintances here and there but that doesn't necessarily mean I fit in with them. Pretending to get along with others doesn't equate fitting in with them. But I guess I have gotten pretty good at pretending that I belong somewhere when I don't.

Aoi continued to talk non stop. She wanted me to know everything about The Sevens. More importantly, she wanted me to know how much she knew about them. I listened patiently regardless. I learned a few more things about them. Such as, that the program was intended to reward students on their own terms. The first program ever that would benefit those students and place them somewhere where it'd feel safe for them to be themselves, like the founding fathers intended.

Aoi leans in. "And you didn't hear this from me but they've overthrown the student council and are now responsible for all the events at school."

"Homecoming too?" I ask

She shakes her head. "Yes, even homecoming. The student council is pissed."

As I peer away from Aoi for a second, my heart nearly stops. I see the raven haired boy from yesterday strolling down the cafeteria. The sleeves of his button up shirt are rolled down today and he doesn't have a tie or the school's blazer on, he's only carrying a book. He doesn't seem to be paying much attention, he simply just glances at me, his eyes scanning me, and flashes a smirk before looking away.

I feel something acidic crawling up my throat but I swallow it down. Just one look from the raven haired boy and suddenly I have the urge to regurgitate my lunch.

"I'll be right back." I say, excusing myself from the table.

"Where are you going?" Kou asks.

"I....I need to call my mom." I blurt out.

"Your mom?" He repeats. "Are you telling her about your rank?"

I look over my shoulder. "Uh yeah, yes. I need to call my mom.... I'll be back,"

But no way was I going back. 

the sevens | 𝘵𝘰𝘪𝘭𝘦𝘵 𝘣𝘰𝘶𝘯𝘥 𝘩𝘢𝘯𝘢𝘬𝘰 𝘬𝘶𝘯Where stories live. Discover now