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He looks a bit hesitant to speak but continues anyway. "If I hadn't met you, it would have never occurred to me to defeat my father."

I look at him confused.

"Once I met you, I began digging up evidence that would destroy my old man, the founding father of this program."

My eyes widen. His father is the person Ms.Yako was talking about?

"The one who created this program for the sole purpose to manipulate kids into doing the dirty work for him. When I found out that my father, the one I looked so highly upon when I was a kid. I was shocked. I didn't know how to react. How could he do that? How could he do that to so many teenagers?" How could he do this to me? But most importantly, how could he do that to my brother?"

His eyes fill with tears and right now, the only thing I could do is embrace him in a tight hug. "If there is anything I can do tell me." I felt happy that he had opened up to me even if it was just a bit. There were still some missing puzzles but for now, this information was enough. He had already answered some of my biggest questions.

"All you can do is keep helping me until I figure out what to do next."

"Have you found out what happened to your brother?"

"All signs are pointing that he went mad and ran away when he found out what my father was doing."

"I am sorry." I whisper. "Do you think we can search Ms.Yako's room for answers?"

He looks at me. "How will we-'

I cut him off before he finishes his sentence and I dangle the key in his face. "We can search tomorrow when classes are in session."


Amane turns back to face me. 'You think Ms.Yako knew about it before me?"

"I don't know. It's likely though, considering she's working closely with the authorities."

I try the doorknob, but as expected it doesn't open. I insert the key again and then with our body weights combined, we push it open.

"I'll take the right side, you take the left." I tell him.

As I scour the right side, many thoughts arise. I wonder how he's feeling. Knowing his own father is the creator of this program. How painful it is to know that your own father is willing to do anything it takes to succeed, even if that means losing his own sons in the process. How sick. How twisted...that he can not even attone to his own failures.

After several minutes of searching, Amane walks towards me holding a book in the air. It's a yearbook. "Look," He opens the yearbook and points to the circled images. "It's Principal Kako, My dad, and Mr.T."

"Why would she circle them?"

"I don't know."

"Ugh this is useless." He sighs, "We can't use this as evidence."

When he shakes the book, a note comes flying out.

"What about this then?"

Dear Ms.Yako,

The pharmas will be delivered by a green truck this afternoon. Make sure you send one of your children to go pick them up before anyone gets suspicious.

"If Ms. Yako is truly working with the authorities she would have sent this in, no?"

He stiffens and his jaw locks. "Let's take the note with us. I know it doesn't have anything to do with my brother but it'll help with my case against my father."

I nod.

the sevens | 𝘵𝘰𝘪𝘭𝘦𝘵 𝘣𝘰𝘶𝘯𝘥 𝘩𝘢𝘯𝘢𝘬𝘰 𝘬𝘶𝘯Where stories live. Discover now