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Before the clock strikes twelve, I tip toe my way out of my dorm and into the hallway leading to the pipelines. Since my room was on the top floor I'd have to use the pipe lines to get down. Once I go into the hallway, I start to get paranoid. What if they catch me? I would definitely lose my scholarship.

But once I reach the window and look down, I see him waiting for me there. He's wearing a forest green t-shirt that compliments his skin perfectly. I couldn't possibly turn back now.

The rusty smell of the pipeline tickles my nose. The moonlight is shining bright. From up here, I can see the neon lights and all the buildings from the city. My stomach turns into a knot but I ignore it. My hands grips the pipeline and I use all the upper body strength I have to move across from it. My legs swing in the air and one of my shoes slip off as I continue to push myself down further and further.

Amane circles my waist as he brings me down. "You okay?" His mouth against my ear sends shivers down my spine.

"Yeah, I'm okay."

"You have quite the upper body strength." He says, his arm untangling itself from me.

"No way," I laugh. "That was pure luck."

"You're not afraid of anything. Are you?" He asks

I try to look for my missing shoe but I can't find it. "I was scared beyond my mind but I just ignored it."

A beam of light then shone upon us.

"Crap." He whispers. "It's a security guard."

Amane grabs me by the arm and we start running towards the exit. I feel the cold and hard gravel beneath my foot. I should feel panicked but a laugh tickles my throat. The September air hits my face and it all feels so exhilarating. Like I'm free.


Ten minutes later, the seven of us huddle around the empty storage closet. We sit in a circle, not talking and staring down at the floor.

"Welcome, new initiates." Sakura says, looking at me and clearly relishing her authority. "Congratulations Yashiro, you survived your first initiation as one of The Sevens. Like many of your predecessors--you will go down in history as a prodigy."

First? Don't tell me there is more to this. The only reason I even survived my first initiation was thanks to Amane.

Then she rests her gaze at me again. "As you may or may not, just because you got a spot in The Sevens doesn't make you one. In order to be a true member of this program, you need to complete the initiation process that makes you become one."

What is she talking about?

I start to raise my hand but before I fully extend it, Amane pulls it down and gives me a death stare. It's clear that he wants me to stay quiet.

"Once you're done with the process. Tasks will be assigned to you. The tasks range from simple, boring volunteer work to other 'fun' stuff. If you survive this year in the program, you'll be automatic members like us." She gestures to everyone else. "Then you'll go on to doing great things. Some of us have already gotten into ivy leagues. Think of the tasks as a small price you have to pay to have your path automatically waved to success"

I stand abruptly. All six others turn to look at me. "What do you mean by tasks? And why should I complete the initiation process the handbook doesn't talk about---"

Before I finish my sentence Sakura stands up too, her menacing eyes look at me. "Everyone else went through it, so why should you receive special treatment?"

"I-I get that but--"

"You must be ready to surrender to being one of The Sevens, even when the tasks given to you don't personally suit your agenda. Do you have any more objections?"

Something inside me screams to object. This is not good, this is not going to end well. Especially since I have no idea what type of tasks will be given to me. They're going to toy with me. I will become their personal puppet on strings, I need to object.

"What type of tasks will I be given then? I can't just dive deep into this program without knowing, anything."

She scoffs. "You're pretty imprudent for a scholarship student."

My eyes widen and I look at Amane. Did he tell them? As usual, he looks completely unfazed.

"You should feel blessed that Ms.Yako chose you when she could have chosen someone else, another student who would have been better suited for this."

"That's enough Sakura." Amane tells her.

"Fine, your first official task as a Seven is to bring me a chunk of your hair. I want it by the next meeting. Have fun."

I stare at her, trying to comprehend what she just said. Fun? I feel sick to my stomach. Is this what The Sevens secretly do behind closed doors? They manipulate the new members of the program and encourage them to do stuff against their will? This is all sick.

"And what if I refuse?" I ask.

"You will be kicked out of the program and I'll make sure you lose your scholarship."

My heart tells me to drop my spot. It tells me to leave this room, this Academy even. But no, I can't do that. I worked so hard to get my scholarship. I worked so hard to get a spot in this program. So I could have a better future, a financially stable one so I could support my family who can barely afford to put a roof over their heads. So I wouldn't be stuck in the same cycle of poverty for the rest of my miserable life.

How would I even begin to explain to my parents that their daughter got kicked out of the most recognized program in the country because she couldn't follow orders. How would I tell them that I lost the scholarship of my dreams?

Nobody would believe me if I said The Sevens were twisted. They're the models for the rest of the students. They're the prodigies that everyone looks up to. No one would believe all the accusations I make about them.

Amane pulls me down again. "Just listen to what she is telling you."

I push him away from me and all eyes fall on me again. "Why should I listen to you? you exposed me!"

He exhales. "I did not. Do you think I am the only one that knew your secret?"

He's right. Sakura must have done a lot of research before the meeting. Trying to find whatever she could dig up and use it against me. That way, she would have me at her fingertips. There's no way I can escape now.

Teru gives me a sympathetic look and then turns away. I wonder what types of things they have done, what kind of things they went through just to keep their spot in this program. A program that was intended to make all the students in it feel safe.

"I'll do it then. I have no other choice."

A tight smile forms on her face. "Welcome to The Sevens."

the sevens | 𝘵𝘰𝘪𝘭𝘦𝘵 𝘣𝘰𝘶𝘯𝘥 𝘩𝘢𝘯𝘢𝘬𝘰 𝘬𝘶𝘯Where stories live. Discover now