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A lady with long beige hair stood outside my Astronomy class, gently tapping her foot. Her bright green eyes meet mine as she signals for me to come by the lockers. She looks like a teacher so I have no choice but to follow her.

"Hello, you." She says. The tapping of her foot abruptly stops and a small smile appears on her face. It's hard for me not to acknowledge how beautiful she is or how stunning she looks in her black dress.

"Hi." I reply. I try not to look down at my own outfit which is the school's uniform: a plaid skirt pulled down too low, a pair of tights underneath and a blazer on top to complete an awful look.

The beige haired woman extends her hand for me to shake it. "I am Ms. Yako president of The Sevens. I am delighted to make your acquaintance."

My mouth nearly drops when I hear the word President coming out of her mouth. This is Ms.Yako in flesh. I wasn't expecting a young woman in her early thirties to be the president. "I'm Yashiro Nene. Nice to meet you." But obviously she already knows my name.

Ms. Yako clears her throat. "I noticed you still haven't given us a response regarding the invitation. I want to let you know the deadline is this Friday."

"This Friday?" I choke out. That's very soon but what did I expect? It's not like they are going to wait forever until I give my response.

She lets out a small, nearly forced chuckle. "Yes, Friday. Is something the matter?"

"I don't think I am going to accept the invitation. " I say sheepishly.

She raises an eyebrow. "Why not? It's a once in a lifetime opportunity if you ask me."

Yes, a once in a lifetime opportunity to get exposed. But if I tell her that one of her beloved 'gifted' children threatened me, I don't know if she'll believe me. And if she does, chances are he could deny everything. It's not like I have proof or anything.

"I think the invitation should get sent to someone else." I say.

She looks at me in disbelief. What the hell was I saying? Anyone would kill to be in my position right now.

"But we chose you." She says. "You're like a breath of fresh air here at Kamome."

"I-I really can't Ms.Yako. I'm sorry."

Besides, who would want someone like me for their society?

Ms.Yako cups her chin to think. "Did someone blackmail you, dear?"

My eyes widen and I wave my hands dismissively. "No, no Ms.Yako. I just don't think I am suited for such an elite society."

She nearly got me there.

She sighs. "Aren't you tired of your lifestyle?" It's as if she knows what kind of lifestyle I lead. "Think about it. Your popularity status will change. Everything will change for you. Don't you want to be remembered? Don't you want a memorable high school experience? This is your chance."

Oh she is so right. I have done nothing exciting or memorable, ever. I'm simple and heartbreakingly average. I feel the burning gaze of Ms. Yako who is waiting for my answer.

"Can I think about it some more?" I ask quietly.

"Sure but you have until friday. "

I stay quiet.

"I should get going then." She spins around, giving her back to me. "Reconsider it my Dear...we will be waiting for you with open arms."


"Good Morning." Mr. Tsuchigomori says nonchalantly. By the tone of his voice and his bored expression, it looks like he doesn't want to be here at all. He has a long lab coat that makes him look slimmer and taller than he is. He's quite an attractive teacher. I can hear the giggling girls in the row behind me. Most girls who take this science elective don't necessarily take it because they love astronomy.

He takes a stack of paper from his desk and hands it to the nearest student. "Pass one and take it back. You guys know the drill." He waves and then he pushes back his glasses.

I take my textbook, notebook and pencil out from my backpack. I'm not sure why I decided on this science class but it seemed much easier than taking physics so I shouldn't even be complaining. As I wait for Mr. Tsuchigomori to get settled in I quietly doodle inside my notebook. Since I don't talk to anyone in this class, I tend to get bored easily.


Before he can finish his sentence. The door flies open and a familiar raven haired boy comes strolling in. Choppy raven haired tumbling into his face and his posture slouchy. He's late to class and doesn't seem to give a care in the world. He smiles and looks over to Tsuchigomori. "Can I come in Mr.T?"

Why is he here? Does he have this class too? But it's been a month since school began and I haven't seen him once in this class. As he comes in, everyone whispers to each other and I would probably be too if I wasn't sitting all alone at a table.

"Mr.Yugi don't disrupt my class and take a seat."

He shrugs and I see him walking towards my table. I bow my head down and try not to look at him in hopes he doesn't notice me but his sardonic eyes meet mine. I am not sure if he's doing it on purpose but he ends up sitting in the chair right next to mine.

I try to pretend he's not there as I start to internally freak out. I feel him shift in his seat a couple times and I secretly hope he stands up and sits elsewhere. My leg begins to bounce up and down as I try to concentrate on what Mr. Tsuchigomori is lecturing us about.

The amber eyed boy leans in to me closely, his minty breath hitting the side of my face. "This seat isn't taken, correct?"

I could almost hear his mocking smile. My whole body shivers and tenses up upon hearing his voice. Somehow that voice had been ingrained into my brain ever since that day. "No." I say flatly and I don't dare turn around to face him. Maybe if I ignore his presence he would eventually leave.

But he doesn't.

The teacher then continued on with his lesson. I didn't particularly like Astronomy but learning about stars was pretty cool. Who knew that we are all essentially made out of stardust. I find that pretty awesome and it was going to be my job for the rest of the day to mention that interesting fact to all of my friends.

I stole occasional tiny glances out of the corner of my eye. He was always staring straight at the board but wasn't writing anything down which bothered me. Well maybe because he hadn't brought any materials to class. So I thought about giving him a paper and a pen which I totally didn't have to but I am. And it's not like I care about him--honestly he'd be the last person I care about.

I started to panic before giving it to him though. I didn't even want to talk to him. Matter of fact, I didn't even want to look at him or share the same oxygen as him. But if I didn't give it to him, I wouldn't be able to concentrate for the remainder of class.

And so I slid the paper and pen to him. "Here." I whisper.

"Thanks." He mutters under his breath.

After the lesson, Mr. Tsuchigomori split us into pairs. And to my luck, we were paired together. He's smart, he knew all the answers to the assignment. Of course, he wasn't called the science genius for nothing.

What surprised me the most was his handwriting. I took one small peek at his notes and they looked all neat and cute, unlike mine who looked more like squiggly lines and symbols than words. I had originally thought to myself, this is it. This is going to be my personal hell but it turned out to be not so bad. He looked surprisingly normal just sitting here attending class. He didn't threaten me nor did he give me any death stares while we worked on the worksheet either. The demonic persona I painted him out to be was gone, for now. Although, the other day when he held me against my will and yelled at me wasn't erasing itself from my memories that easily.

And then when class ended, he was the first person to rush out. He seemed a bit panicky and like he was in a rush to get somewhere. Wherever that place is, is none of my concern.

the sevens | 𝘵𝘰𝘪𝘭𝘦𝘵 𝘣𝘰𝘶𝘯𝘥 𝘩𝘢𝘯𝘢𝘬𝘰 𝘬𝘶𝘯Where stories live. Discover now