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I stare at the side of the window, watching everything blur past. Is life like this? You could look ahead to the future or immerse yourself in the past, but the present moved too quickly to absorb. Like water rushing from the faucet, slipping through your fingers.

The next thing I knew, Amane was shaking me awake. "We're here."

I slide on my pair of flats and stare at the acres of land in front me. And when I look up, the tower is there.

"So." I stare, entranced, at the tower before us. "How are we going to do this?" The tall building nearly mocks me with its grandeur. I'm afraid. How are we supposed to even climb at the top? Is there even an entrance?

Amane doesn't answer. He reaches for my hand, and I take it. He gives my hand a big squeeze. "We just have to put the security codes and enter, climb all the way up there and leave the suitcase."

"What does the suitcase have inside?" I ask curiously.

He lets go of my hand. "Who knows and honestly I'd rather not know."

"Sometimes ignorance is bliss." Teru adds.

We make ourselves towards the gate. One of the guards glances at us and immediately waves us in once Teru holds up the suitcase.

Okay, this is easy. Too easy. I start to get suspicious.

We race down the hallway, millions of doors and machines surround us. What is this place? I follow Teru and Amane, trusting them with all my heart.

When we reach the stairs--we run up them. Past the first floor, second, third, and on towards the fifteenth floor. Does this place not have elevators? I don't ask any questions though, I don't want to press them any further.

By the time we reach the last flight of stairs, I swear like my legs are giving up on me. The tower room door is gaping open, three golden locks, unlocked.

"You two wait here." Says Amane.

A man with broad shoulders, no older than fifty comes out of the door. His eyes are clear grey, the eyes of a dangerous man. On his left brow, he has a deep scar running down towards his eyelid.

The man ruffles the top of his hair, and then leans down to whisper something inaudible to him.

Amane hands him the suitcase and he follows the man inside.

I try to look at Teru for an explanation but he seems as clueless as I am. Minutes pass by and nothing. I am starting to get worried but my feet don't move. It's like I am paralyzed.

A sudden loud cry comes from the room. Echoing like a clap of thunder as it pierces our eardrums. The high pitch sound catches us off guard, and my hands fly up to my ears in an attempt to block out the noise.

What was that?

My mind was racing as I approached the room, daring to peer over. I stumble back upon hearing the loud cry again. Amane, my chest feels heavy as a chill trickles down my spine. My limbs go numb and my heart starts racing---my breaths becoming short. I don't want to see what's on the other side.

Impulsively, I scramble at my feet and run inside. The man is on the floor, blood surrounding his body.

Amane steers us away from the body. Knife piercing through his stomach. "You little shit, your father won't forgive you for this."

Amane pulls us along, steering us away from the room. "We need to leave. Now."

My mind goes blank and he dangles a tape in our faces, like a grand possession. "This is all the proof I need." 

the sevens | 𝘵𝘰𝘪𝘭𝘦𝘵 𝘣𝘰𝘶𝘯𝘥 𝘩𝘢𝘯𝘢𝘬𝘰 𝘬𝘶𝘯Where stories live. Discover now