2- dancing with myself

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Ashley packed her diary and pens neatly into her black tote bag. She switched off the computer and quietly yawned to herself. She started at her reflection in the black screen, pulling at her face, hoping it would somehow get rid of the black bags that formed under her hazel eyes. She straightened out her fringe, which had gone slightly frizzy due to the humidity. She pulled back the rest of her chestnut curls into a low pony, before slowly standing up and walking out of the office.

Her red stilettos clicking on the brassy wooden floor as she walked over to her bosses office. Nodding a polite goodbye, in the direction of all the colleagues she was passing. Peering into the office, her boss was sat on the phone. Ashley gently knocked on the window, flashed her sweetest smile and waved, whilst thinking to herself 'god what a bitch'. Her boss faintly acknowledged Ashley, before returning to her phone call. Ashley took that opportunity to walk out of the office and head straight to her car. The moment she reached her car she yanked off the red stilettos and chucked them carelessly in the back.

After driving swiftly to her beach house, Ashley couldn't wait to just sit down and breathe. She loved her job working at the photography company but she hated the whole office culture. There was always some drama happening. And someone was always running into trouble with her nightmare of a boss; Lauren. Ashley had thought herself lucky to have never experienced a bad run in with her.

Ashley changed out of her black pant suit into her comfiest pair of pjs. The primark night wear collection, that her mum specifically packed for her in the most recent care package she received from back home. She then turned on the speakers, poured herself a large glass of wine and arranged a special plate of snacks.

As she made her way to the porch she saw she had 5 new Facebook notifications, 2 text messages and 1 missed call.
'Wow doesn't get more popular than this' she thought to herself. She opened her text messages and saw that they were both from Liam;

Liam: Hey, last Friday of work for you! Whoop! (Well at least for the next little while) I don't think I'm going to be able to come home until tomorrow. The directors gone crazy! I'll try ring you and tell you more about it tomorrow. Sorry! Hope you enjoy your night. Try not to have too much fun without me.

Liam: I love you x

Ashley smiled to herself, she felt so lucky to be with someone who tells her everything. She was glad that Liam was working late. Being the fiancé of a high profile actor like Liam, meant that she'd have to behave in a certain way. So that his image didn't become tainted. Although to her and everyone else sitting in her pjs drinking wine might be normal, to the press it would be perceived as 'sloppy', 'a slob', 'lazy pain in the arse'. And yes those are real magazine articles about her. Lucky for her most of the time the press didn't bother her as much if Liam wasn't there. Also as the surrounding areas of the beach house is private property it mean no one could see her like this.
Which doesn't get much better than that.

Ashley marvelled at the beauty of the sun and sea, how it glistened beautifully. It made her feel at peace, like every wrong decision she's ever made suddenly disappeared.

Before she went to check her Facebook notifications she felt the sudden need to dance around the house as if it was her world tour. The timing planned itself perfectly as her favourite song came on; Vogue by Madonna.
As the sun slowly set, the night sky arrived, Ashley spent this time happily dancing, blissfully unaware of the the seriousness of those Facebook notifications.

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