5- mama do

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Ashley awoke from her sleep and felt more awake than she has ever felt. Her hazel eyes adjusted to the brightness of the room. The sunshine was creeping in, which allowed for the room to gently heat up. Ashley glanced at her phone that was next to her, and the messages she read last night flooded back into her mind. She might have had a peaceful sleep, but her mind soon became restless as the messages she had read were now blaring inside her mind. She tucked her slightly knotted curls behind her ear and felt more confused than ever. There were a million sirens going off in her head but they all said the same thing 'Harry Styles'.

In a couple of days from now Harry Styles could possibly be back in her life. Although she hadn't actually responded to the messages, in hope it might all be a practical joke her mind was playing. She grabbed her phone and once she opened it the messages from Harry flashed up straight away. She quickly closed her phone and let out a long sigh. She couldn't respond just yet, not until she spoke to someone. Not until she spoke to her mum. She knew her mum would have the answers.

Her mum somehow knew everything that happened in Ashley's life before Ashley ever did. Ashley checked the time on her phone. 8:51am.
'Great', Ashley thought to herself. As it was 8:51am in Perth, it meant it would be 1:51am in England. Which meant her mum would be fast asleep.
Ashley knew it would be evil to call her mum and wake her up. Her mum would crucifix her over the phone.
There was only one way for Ashley to calm her nerves. She would to have to take some photos. She tidied up the place on the couch where she had slept and get changed out of her pjs.

She changed into a pair of dark denim jeans and a black cardigan. Comfortable yet casual, just incase the paparazzi were around. She tied her hair into low pony, grabbed her camera and went down to the beach.

Ashley breathed in deeply as she smelt the ocean air. She felt free. Thoughts of Harry Styles weren't as prominent in her mind. Instead she felt relaxed by the calming sounds of the ocean blue waves. Ashley sat down on the golden sand that stretched out as far as she could see. The golden sand was soft and warm as Ashley laid down. She spread herself out, and felt like a child making a snow angel. A smile began to grow on her face as rested against the warmth of the sand. Her eye lids gently closed as she breathed in the fresh air. As her thoughts diminished, her mind became clear and she slowly fell asleep.

The sudden buzzing woke up Ashley. The phone in the back pocket of her jeans were ringing. Dopey from just being awoken she sat up, reached into her back pocket to answer the phone. Unable to workout who was calling due to the brightness of the sun shining in her face she answered and spoke in a questioning tone. 'Hello?'

'Hiya love.' Ashley immediately recognised the soft spoken voice. The gentle and loving tone could only ever be her mum, Lorna.
'Just thought I'd give you a quick ring before I go off to my yoga class. I rang you yesterday but you didn't answer. I hope everything is alright'.

Ashley no longer felt relaxed, her shoulders stiffened. As she knew what her mum was indicating towards. Of course her mum knew about Harry's message. She just wanted to hear it from her daughter, so that she didn't have to tiptoe around the subject.

'Sorry I didn't ring back but I was distracted. I just so happened to receive a message from Harry Styles.'
A small smile appeared on Ashley's face, knowing that her mum would still pretend to be shocked even if she already knew all the details. There was a small silence, as Lorna had expected her daughter to say more. Unsure of how to word it without seeming too full on, Lorna carefully thought out her reply.

'Oh well what a surprise. Thats nice for him to get in contact with you again. After all these years!' Slowly and gently Lorna continued, trying to not let on that she already knows.
'Did he happen to mention anything specific? Like maybe travelling or something.'

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