11- love story

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Sunday passed by and it was Monday again. Liam had called to say he wouldn't be back but someone would arrive to pick up his clothes. As he would be stuck filming for another two weeks and would have to go straight from Ivy's studio to the film he was currently shooting. Ashley was slightly annoyed she couldn't see Liam before he left and even more annoyed when she found out she wouldn't see him for a whole two weeks. She brushed it off quickly and reminded herself that this is the life of someone who is with an actor. She also explained to Liam the plan with Harry and how she would be picking him up later.

Trying not to overthink the whole situation Ashely got ready for her last day of work for a while. Before the wedding she decided to take two months off, so that she could relax and finalise any plans before the big day. Touching up the last of her makeup, she decided to put on a bright red lipstick. Ashely always found that red complimented her face well. All dressed in her pantsuit, she slips her stilettos on and heads out the door for work.

She drove whilst listening to Taylor Swift blasted high on the stereo, excited for her final day. As she stepped into the office she smiled at all the familiar faces, waving at each of them before making her way down to her desk. Ashely purposely chose to leave on a Monday as no one would be up to going out or doing anything big. They would give her a small send off, which is all that she really wanted. Especially as it would only mean a short conversation with her boss. The weekend before Ashely and some of her co workers went for drinks in the city to celebrate Ashley's time off before her wedding. Which worked out perfectly as is just so happened that was the same weekend her boss was away in Melbourne.

Busying herself with edits of pictures she had previously taken, Ashley didn't even notice the time. It was almost time for her to pack her stuff and get ready to go. The sun shone brightly as she packed away all her items.

The glorious golden sun warming her face as she prepared to say goodbye to her co workers. They all hugged her goodbye and just as she was about to leave she knew she would have to face the lady in the big office.
She gently knocked on the door and waited, then a shrill voice exclaimed 'Come in'.

Ashely opened the door and walked in to find her boss glaring at something on her computer screen. The was a heavy atmosphere as no one said anything. Wanting the silence to end and wanting to get of there as quickly as possible, Ashely spoke.
'Well I'm leaving now, just thought I'd pop in and say goodbye for now. I hope everything goes well here for the next couple of months. And good luck with that big meeting in London next month! I know the weather can be tricky down there so hopefully it's nice whilst you are out there.' Ashley forced a laughter to create a lighter atmosphere but no response came from her boss. Deciding not to wait awkwardly Ashely turned and left muttering a quick goodbye before exiting the office. Just as she left she heard the voice of her boss who shouted loudly 'goodbye then.'
Rude bitch Ashely thought, as she walked to her car placing her bags in the back seat.

Working at a photography company was a dream come true for Ashely and although she would be sad to be away from it for so long, she was glad that she wouldn't have to face dealing with her devil of a boss each week.

The sun had almost set as Ashley drove from her work to the beach house. Admiring the beautiful sky as darkness crept in to touch the light. As she arrived home she quickly changed out of her suit and into jeans and a cardigan. Readied the spare bedroom in anticipation for her guest. She quickly walked to the shop to fetch some snacks and drinks as well, so that everything would be prepared for when she arrived back from the airport.

Once everything looked ready, Ashley darted into her red car and zoomed down the road to the airport. She had this strangest feeling in her stomach as she approached the airport, she couldn't tell if it was nerves or excitement. Probably a mixture of both. Once she had arrived, she parked her little red into the car park and raced to arrivals. Everything she did was with speed, as if the world would explode if she even dared to slow down. At the arrivals she noticed that the flight Harry Styles would coming in had been delayed by 45minutes. Damn it, Ashely thought. Her whole body was buzzing she couldn't stop moving and fidgeting. Unsure of how to stop, she decided that perhaps her phone would be the best distraction. Flicking through Instagram didn't satisfy her, so she instead decided that she should probably send a couple of messages. Let it be known that Ashely is a horrendous texter and will probably not reply for at least 3 hours. Ashley much prefers her communication through phone calls.

The first text she sent was of course to her mother.
Hi Mum, thank you for the flowers. They arrived this morning. They are beautiful! Last day of work, off for three months now! And of course the boss was still a rude bitch! Anyways, at the airport now waiting for Harry to arrive. Text you when we are back home. Although you probably won't see this until tomorrow anyway lol. Love you xx

The second one to Angelina to updating her on Harry's arrival:
Yup all safe journey! No traffic thankfully. At the airport now and Harry's flight has been delayed by approx 45 mins! Text ya when we back home. Still on for dinner at yours tomz?

Sending her final text reply to Liam. Both being so busy today that they never got to have their daily call:
It seems we keep missing each other's calls lol! Defo have to talk to u tomorrow then. Miss you lov-
And just as she was about to finish off her text and send it to her beloved fiancé an oh so familiar husky voice interrupted her.


Ashley looked up from her phone and saw there standing in front of her was the one and only Harry Styles. His green eyes piercing into her and his cherry red lips in such a huge smile. Ashley immediately turned off her phone and put it in her back pocket.

The sweet smell of chocolate and the bitter smell of coffee invading her nostrils as she pulled him into a hug. He pulled her closer into his chest, her chestnut curls tickling the side of his cheek. She was playing with the ends of his hair as they stayed liked that, in utter bliss. Pressed against one another, feeling the warmth and breathing one other in. The world passed them by but they didn't seem to notice too entangled into each other.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 15, 2023 ⏰

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