7-simple things

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Ashley reached her beach house in hope her mind would be clear. Although a big bulk of questions had been answered there was still one left that was clouding her mind.

Ashely tidied up the bowl of snacks and put the bottle of wine in the bin. In an attempt to calm herself, Ashley made a green tea, sat on the bay window of her front room and looked out. Instead of trying to forget the thoughts of Harry, she instead a took a more logical approach. She logically tried to think out what Harry could have to say. Could he be married? Could he have a child? Or maybe he just missed me? Or worst of all maybe he's still in love with me. Ashley tried so hard to forget the latter explanation. She wouldn't know what to do if he confessed his love for her. After all he was her first love so it would be a lie if she said she didn't reciprocate some of those feelings.
Ashley had been so lost in thought she didn't hear the door open and hear someone creep in behind her.

Ashley was shocked by the sudden voice and spun around to see her lovely fiancé, Liam. He had a smile on his face, that instantly relaxed Ashley. His smile was so comforting and happy, she felt warm inside.
'Hey! Your back home!' Ashely eventually replied.

'Yeh they let me return for the rest of the weekend, I have to be back Sunday evening though for shooting on Monday.' Liam gave Ashley a gentle peck on lips before he sat down next to her on the bay window.

'Are you okay? You seem lost in thought. Anything troubling you?' Liam looked straight at Ashley, and she marvelled at his eyes. He had the most magnificent eyes, they were blue with a hint of green that sparkled against the sunlight. His kind eyes matched perfectly with his sweet smile, you couldn't help but smile back at him.
'Ashley are you okay?' He asked smoothly, his voice was deep, he had a silky tone that caused anyone to listen. He put his strong arm over Ashley's shoulder, which comforted her. She looked out the window then back at Liam before finally giving him an answer.
'I'm fine.'
Ashley leant against Liams strong shoulders and rested in the silence. Liam began to talk about work, his Australian accent was such a happy tune. Ashley could listen to him talk all day and smile.
The sunlight started to beam in from the window, and lit up the whole room. Ashley felt at ease with the sunshine on her face and the comfort of Liam around her. She had almost forgotten about Harry. Ashley soaked in the simplicity of Liam and her. How everything is always so easy between them.

After long conversations about what they had been up to the past two days, they moved from the bay window to the dining room, where they ate and spoke happily.

It was just after 5:00pm, when Liam received a phone call. Ashley took this as a chance to clear away the plates of food.
'I'm really sorry Ashley but we have to head down to the studio.' Liam said in a hurried voice.
Ashley looked shocked and confused, 'What?'

'Yup. They called just now to say a couple fell ill and had to pull out of the event tonight, so they need me to fill in for them. I would normally pass but it's Ivy's studio it would look bad for her if she doesn't have a full row of celebrities. They show starts at 8pm. We need to be there for 7pm so we have roughly two hours to get ready. I'm so sorry Ashley.' Liam spoke so quickly, it was evident he was worried.

She understood why, Ivy was his gorgeous bohemian older sister who recently got out of rehab. It made it impossible for her to find shows or movies that would sign with her studio. Until two months ago a new quiz show decided to sign with her, this week happened to be a celebrity special in order to raise money for a children's charity. This not only looked good for Ivy and her studio but also for the other celebrities in place. She understood completely why he had to go but was unsure of why Liam had said 'we'.
'What do you mean by we?' She questioned.

'It's a couples event Ash, and seeing as I'm going to marry you it would make sense that you would be the other half of my couple.'

Ashley looked at him shocked, her face had gone slightly pale. She hated attending events like these, never mind actually being part of it. Normally she'd have a couple of months to prepare, now she only had a couple of hours.
Ashley let out a long groan and walked slowly into her room as she prepared herself to get ready.
'Thank you Ash, you are a star!' Liam shouted out as she walked up the stairs.

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