9- grace kelly

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After four hours at the studio, Ashley was more than grateful to return to the sanctuary of her own home. She fell out of her clothes into her bed, cosied up next to Liam. Ashley had been in so deep of a slumber she didn't hear her alarm go off. She turned off her alarm and noticed Liam was no longer next to her. He must be out surfing Ashley thought, as she got out of bed and changed.
She changed into a light pink cami top and jeans, put her messy curls into a low bun and allowed two pieces to hang from the front to frame her face. After she put on some light blush, she went downstairs and was shocked to find Liam sat on the couch.
'What are you doing here, I thought you would be in the sea?' Ashley asked, as she made her way over to Liam to give kiss him.

'Not today, I'm too tired. Sunday is rest day after all.' Liam replied and pulled Ashley next to sit next to him.
'So I take you won't be coming with me to see Angelina today?'

'Oh no I definitely will, I never miss out on a chance to wind up Lorenzo. Just thought I'd chill for a bit this morning.' A smile appeared on Liams before he engulfed Ashley into a big hug. Ashley stayed silent in his arms, comfortable with him around her.

'Come on we better get going then' Liam said as helped Ashely off the sofa. 'You know what Angelina can get like if we are even a minute late.'
'Hey!' Ashley retorted and poked Liams muscular arm. 'That's my best friend you are talking about.'
Liam raised his eyebrows 'Now I see where she gets it from.' He gently nudged Ashley with his elbow before he disappeared to the car. The two of them continued this playfulness, as they drove to Angelina's restaurant.

'Darling! Oh my darlings! There you both are!' Angelina's voice squealed as Liam and Ashley walked into Angelina's restaurant.
Angelina air kissed Liam and Ashley, as Angelina would never allow her light pink lipstick to be ruined. She dragged them to their table, as they sat down, Angelina tucked her blonde locks behind her hair, and spoke in French to the waiter; ordering drinks and food for Liam and Angelina. Which never came as a shock to them to be ordered for as this was tradition.

Every Sunday since living in Perth, Ashely and Angelina would go out for drinks at Angelina's restaurant. This always allowed them plenty of time to have the best gossip and catch up about their week. Majority of the time Angelina would be busy sorting some problem at the restaurant, but Ashley didn't mind. She enjoyed seeing her best friend in her element, bossing people about, fulfilling her passion.

Soon the first load of drinks arrived, Angelina began to talk about updating her menu, to include some more traditional French, dipping in between her English accent to her perfectly prestige French accent. This always left Ashley in awe at how marvellous Angelina was with languages. Ashley glanced around at her friends restaurant, admiring how beautiful it really is. Angelina and her brother Lorenzo had managed to create an amazingly cute restaurant with influences from French and Italian cuisine.

Angelina and Lorenzo wanted to create the perfect mixture to include both countries where their parents are from. At first it had been struggle to find the balance, but now it looked perfect.
As Angelina continued to speak, the bright sun shone on her beautiful face. Ashley admired Angelina's features, and noticed how doll like and precious she looks, like a beautiful princess. Her delightful manner and calm aroma, put everyone at ease, even when spoke with fierceness, there still managed to be gracefulness. Everyone always said Angelina replicated Grace Kelly, and staring at her now it was hard to disagree.
'You're awfully quiet today Ash. Everything okay?' Angelina spoke, with a gentle smile appearing on her beautiful face.
Ashely remained silent unsure of what to say. Was everything okay? No not really. After the major reality check she gave herself at the studio yesterday. And with Harry Styles soon to come crashing into her life again. Everything was not okay. But there's no way she could be so blunt. Not when it was supposed to be a calm and cheerful day. Instead of concealing the truth she decided to tell Angelina and Liam about Harry arriving. Of course she wouldn't tell them about how her heart still secretly aches for him, she'd just skip over that bit.

'Actually there something I've been meaning to tell you.' Ashley spoke quietly, hesitant about how to word it. 'Both of you actually. Harry Styles is coming here. To Australia. For the Wedding. For our wedding.' Ashley let out a long sigh after quickly blurting it out.

'Oh wow! Ash that's amazing news! Oh I can't wait, the trio back together again! It's been years since I've seen Harry. Oh I can't believe it!' Angelina squealed with delight, walking over to Ashley to squeeze her into a hug.

'So you are happy with this?' Ashley questioned.
'Oh of course I am! This will be like old times all over again. I just honestly can't believe this! I didn't think you were still in contact with him. How did you manage this then?'

'Believe me I don't quite know' Ashley's muttered to herself. 'He was away for a while, he came back, ran into mum, then contacted me and now he's flying out here' Ashley quickly spat out.
Angelina continued to chatter excitedly about how thrilled she is to see Harry again. However Liam had remained silent with a puzzled expression on his tanned face. Ashley had immediately picked up on his silence, and the tension was killing her. She felt awkward and shy, she didn't quite know what to say or do until she knew how Liam felt.
'Sorry I don't mean to sound mean' Liam interrupted Angelina's excitement.
'But who the hell is Harry Styles?'

It was then Ashley's turn to remain silent. Whilst Angelina found this ever so amusing and began to laugh hysterically.
'Oh you can't be serious Liam!' Angelina said after her outburst of laugher.
Liam shrugged whilst looking back and forth from Angelina to Ashley.
'Liam you must have a memory of a goldfish. Harry is Ashley and I's childhood friend from England. Ashley must have mentioned him to you.'
Liam began to nod slowly as the clogs turned in his brain. 'Oh yes of course I remember! Your mum has baby pictures of him hanging in the house. That's the one right Ashley?' Liam asked, to which Ashley quickly nodded her head, whilst sucking on the straw from her drink, still unsure of how to act.
'Oh yes now I know who he is. Well that's excellent news. I'm so happy for you Ash, it will be nice to have an old friend around for a while.' Liam looked at Ashley his blue eyes piercing into hers. A wave of relief fell over Ashley, she finally told them Harry was coming. Which was easy in comparison to the waiting for him to actually arrive.

Angelina and Liam's conversation began was focused on their childhoods and as this conversation flowed, Ashley saw this as an opportunity to finally reply to Harry.
Ashley took out her phone and carefully typed out what to say to Harry. Eventually she decided to keep the message short and simple.

Brilliant news can't wait to have you. See you soon. Ashley xx
She felt the reply was sufficient and truthful.

As conversation drifted away from Harry Styles and back to normal, Ashley took in her surroundings appreciating the normality of life. The beautiful restaurant with the most pristine rose bushes all neatly cut at the front. Ashley's thoughts of the restaurant disappeared when the loud sound of a phone ringing went off. It was Liam's phone.
Ivy needed him at the studio again and she'd send a car over right away.

Within 20 minutes a car showed up and Liam was whisked away to the insanity of the studio. Ashley never seemed to mind, this was his job, his life. It wasn't fair for her to be annoyed, so she never got annoyed. After all she would seem again tonight.

Angelina and Ashley continued to talk as the sun shone brightly. It had landed perfectly on the stunning Angelina. Highlighting her perfect cheekbones and fair face. Wow she really is a modern Grace Kelly, Ashely thought.

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