10- 4 minutes

8 0 0

Perfect. Ashley thought to herself, she was driving back home when she spotted a perfect picture to take. She didn't have any camera equipment but her phone would do nicely.

She had managed to take about twenty gorgeous pictures of the beach, there had been locals sat on the hill. She had known they were locals as their surfboards were worn in. The whole image looked too good she had to take a picture. With the waves glistening and the sun reflecting just where Ashley wanted it to. She was just about to take one more photo when a number she didn't recognise called her.

'Hello?' Ashley said harshly, irritated at the fact her photography session had been interrupted.

'Hi. It's me! Me meaning Harry. Harry Styles.'

Ashley almost dropped her phone as she heard the voice on the other end. His voice sounded husky yet tired.
After a long silence Ashley finally replied 'Harry hi! Everything okay?'
Ashley began to pace up and down, unsure what to do with herself.

'Yup all good actually, I'm just at my layover, thought I'd give you a call seeing as the time difference isn't too dodgy. I'm also bored out of my mind, my laptops died so I have nothing to entertain myself with. I'm trying to limit myself on my phone, which didn't really work out because I'm talking to you. Also wanted to say thanks for replying to my message, it felt good to come off a flight and see at least one notification that isn't from my mother.'
Ashley heard Harry chuckle to himself, it was clear that he'd become sick of his own company.
Ashley smiled to herself, Harry's laugh had always made her feel happy.
'Well I'm glad you did call. It was about time I replied to your message anyway. How was the first flight? Any free handouts?' Ashely asked.

'No...actually....well there might have been. I fell asleep the minute I got on the plane. The poor lad next to me had to keep waking me up when they were doing the demonstrations. After that I conked out.'
This again caused Ashely to smile and even laugh, 'Of course you did! I wouldn't expect anything else from you. Why were you so tired?'
Ashely heard Harry breathe in a long breath. 'Ahhh. You see this is where things get a bit awkward. As you didn't reply I spent half the night the day before worried sick about what would happen. I didn't really have any back up plans. Your mum reassured me plenty, but I still was worried.'
Before Harry could continue Ashley interrupted him. 'It's not like you to worry. I thought you were all chill.'

'Yeh well a lot has changed since we last saw each other.'
Ashley stopped pacing and took in what Harry had just said, although he had meant nothing by it, for some reason it had struck Ashley.

After another long silence Harry awkwardly coughed before he finally spoke. 'So fill me in Ashley. Put my mind at ease. Where are am I staying? Do I get the plain guest room or the extra luxury guest room? What car are you picking me up in? It better be a limo. So what have you got planned for us?'

Ashely laughed at his remarks. 'What makes you think I have anything planned. I'm sending you straight to get a job to compensate staying with me!' Ashley leant on her car and smiled, 'I don't really have anything planned I'm afraid but I'm sure we will find something. We will be staying in the beach house, as it has all that extra room. Plus it has the most amazing views. Also afraid there is no limo, just me in my little red car.'

'Just you?'

'Just me.' Ashley replied, as she played with the hem of her cami top, and a small blush appeared on her face.

'Okay good. Well that all sounds brilliant. Thanks for letting me bugger you for the past 4 minutes. I had better let you go or otherwise our phone bills are gonna be out of this world. See you soon Ashley.'

'No worries, bye Harry.' Ashley hung up the phone and noticed that the conversation really had only lasted 4 minutes. What had felt like forever had only been 4 minutes. It had been years since she had spoken to Harry and yet in those 4 minutes, she had never felt so happy. Ashley held her phone close to her chest, marvelled at the view before her as it had finally sunk in that in just over 24hrs, on a Monday evening, Harry Styles would be back in her life.

is it too late? h.s.Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang