4- replay

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That night, Ashley fell asleep on the couch, clutching tightly onto her phone. She had fallen asleep reading the messages over and over again. Eventually the image of Harry creeped its way into her dreams and the sweet beautiful memories of him began to replay.

Much like Angelina, Harry was an old friend. Harry's mother had worked with Ashley's father in a hospital. Soon the two introduced their partners and then their kids. At first Harry and Ashley despised each other. They both wanted to gain the attention of the adults. Harry was also much more interested in Ashley's two older sisters. Who both had all the latest gadgets. Harry's mother and father both worked non-stop, they always struggled to find a cheap enough place where Harry could stay whilst they were at work. Ashley's mum offered to look after Harry whilst they were at work, seeing as she spent most of her time at home painting. This meant Ashley and Harry had no choice but to become friends, and soon the pair became inseparable.

The duo quickly became a trio with Angelina. Angelina formed the biggest crush on Harry, from the day she saw him. She fell for his big soft green eyes, and his soft golden brown curls. His lovely smile that warmed her whenever she saw him. The crush sadly never changed as they got older and moved into their teenage years. However Harry only ever had feelings for Ashley. Although never said out loud, in fear she'd ruin her friendship with Angelina, Ashley returned these feelings for Harry.

In the second to last year of school, Ashley and Harry had been caught smoking on the school site. Which caused them to land in massive trouble at both home and school. As punishment, their parents sent them off to summer camp when summer would arrive. What has supposed to be one of the best summers before their final year turned into a disaster. However Harry and Ashley took this chance as an opportunity to test out the secret feelings they had for each other. They promised not to tell anyone, because if Angelina found it, the trio would break.

Whilst at camp, they weren't just two kids messing around, they formed a deeper relationship. One that both scared them yet excited them. Their short summer camp romance, ended abruptly when their parents picked them up early. They knew they end to end the relationship in order to protect the trio. Once they returned home, it was a secret that was never spoken of.

After the final school year was over. The trio had plans to visit the costal towns in England. However Angelina was whisked away by her parents to spend the summer in Paris. Meaning Ashley and Harry were left alone, again. Their summer camp romance blossomed, only deepening what they already had.
One night Ashley got a call from Angelina who was boasting about her new french boyfriend. Ashley thought that this would be her chance to tell Angelina about her situation with Harry, yet something stopped her. No matter what, she still knew Angelina would be distraught over this. So Harry and Ashley's romance remained a secret.

Many thought they were just close friends, but only they knew how far and deep their relationship ran. Soon summer ended and they parted to go down different paths. Angelina and Harry both attended the same university. While Ashley got an internship at a photography company. The first year at university ended, Angelina once again went off to Paris and Harry returned home. Harry and Ashley rekindled their romance. No matter what they did, nothing could ever defeat the feelings they felt for each other.

Whilst Harry was at university, Ashley had been on many dates but not nothing could compare to Harry. Harry also found himself in the same situation, no matter how hard he tried he couldn't get Ashley out of his mind. So every year once summer arrived and Angelina was out of their sight, Harry and Ashley went from friends to lovers.

When the final year at university was completed, the couple knew that their romance would slowly have to end as well. Harry had a job lined up in London. Whereas Ashley was unsure of what to do. She had looked for jobs in London, but nothing suited her. Until she got a call from a company in Wales, who offered her a job.

On the 27th August, the couple had traveled to Wales and admired the beauty the country held. Harry waited patiently whilst Ashley was at her interview. The minute she walked out of the interview Harry knew that tonight would be the last time they'd be together. As the next day Angelina would arrive back home and the day after he'd be move into his flat in London. And Ashley would be completely happy in Wales. They spent the rest of that day whispering I love you's, both too scared to admit the truth to each other. But both knew what those I love you's meant. It would be the last time they'd be lovers, they'd soon have to return to being friends.

Once they returned home, everything had passed by in a flash. Harry moved into his new place in London. Ashley moved down to Wales. And Angelina began to travel.
Soon Harry and Ashley lost contact, the lovers didn't return to friends. In fact they became strangers. Every year when they'd return home for Christmas or summer, they'd hope to bump into one another, but each year they'd fail. Even the odd happy birthday messages had been forgotten.

The trio of Ashley, Harry and Angelina, turned into the duo of Ashley and Angelina. Although Harry and Ashley's hearts ached for one another they both knew some things turn out a certain way. And this was one of them.

6 years later and Ashley would finally have to come to face with her past. He was coming to see her. The love she thought she no longer held onto was seeping into her mind and returning to her heart.

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