Call Me If You Need Help

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It is the day after and I am in the waiting room with Buck. He decided that he was going to take me to the hospital instead of meeting me there. I'm not complaining as I am happy for the company. As per usual the doctor is running late. To be fair she has a lot of patients to see. There could even have been an emergency surgery required for someone. I'm not going to get mad about it. I know what goes on behind the scenes. As soon as the thought crosses my mind the doctor comes out of her office.

"Ella?" She summons me. After excusing myself I joined her in her office.

"So Ella, how does your wrist feel?" She gets to work on getting my side of the story.

"It feels better. There is no pain," I tell her the truth.

"Well your X-rays show that the bone is completely healed, however, I still want you to make sure that you are doing your exercises," The doctor now gives her version of events as she helps me remove the brace. Luckily for her, I made sure to have some downtime to do them. I want to be strong enough to do my job. After ten more minutes of chatting, she dismissed me. I rejoin Buck in the waiting room.

"So what's the news?" Buck asks.

"I'm all good. Everything has healed perfectly," I give him my report as we pay and leave. Now for the fun part of the day. After a five-minute drive, we arrived at one of my favourite cafes.

"Thank you for taking me here," I am a little surprised that he knew to come here. I'm just glad that he has as I need to relax. As soon as we sit down I notice a man who looks like he is in some sort of distress. I take note of the other two cups on the table. Again I excuse myself. I carefully approach the man.

"Excuse me but I can't help noticing you don't want to be here. Maybe you could join me?" I ask. I am employing a flirtatious tone. I just hope the man takes the bait.

"No. You should leave me alone before they do anything to you," His voice is shaking. He is terrified. His accent is Canadian. I realise he might be a victim of kidnapping or worse.

"Not until you tell me your name," I try my best to get the most important piece of the puzzle.

"Pierre," He replies. With his response, I scribble my phone number on a piece of paper so he can call me if he needs help.

"Ella. Well, Pierre call me if you want help," I say as I slip him the piece of paper. As soon as I do, two men join us at the table.

"You should go before you get hurt," One of the men snarls.

"Remember to call if you want that date," I wink before you leave. Hopefully, he gets the message. I quickly leave as those two men give me a bad vibe. As I take the seat opposite Buck a sigh falls from my mouth.

"Sorry about that Buck. I had to see if I could help," I explained.

"Don't worry about it," Buck replies. Thankfully he understands. It has been fifteen minutes since then and the guys have taken Pierre. The thing is I am convinced that it was more than a simple kidnapping. The thing is I can't do anything unless I contact Athena Grant. The good thing is Bobby started dating a cop. Even then I am not sure if she and her team can help me.

"Hey, it will be ok. I saw you give the man your number. He will reach out if he feels confident enough," Buck tries his best to reassure me. The thing is I am not sure if Pierre will make it before he has the chance to reach out. It is the day after and I am at work. I am distracted by what happened yesterday. I really want to help but I know for a fact that I will be putting myself in danger if I do.

"Ella, is there something bothering you?" Bobby pulls me aside to check on me.

"Can we talk in your office?" I say. I don't want the others to know. Of course, Buck knows but that is because he was there.

The Nature of the Emergency (Evan 'Buck' Buckley X OC)Where stories live. Discover now