chapter thirteen

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Chapter Thirteen

Being with Jared felt like a secret whispered at a sleepover, so scandalous it couldn't be shared outside the circle. We'd been together for a few weeks, and Championships would be held soon. When I was walking into study hall the morning we were supposed to leave for the game, I tried to play it cool when really, I wanted to climb in his lap and kiss him senseless.

His eyes glanced up just briefly when I walked through the door. It was a small movement, a shift of cerulean blue from one side of the room to where I was, but I noticed it.

I sat down in my seat beside Risa and Shea and pulled out my statistics book to get started on studying for my test. Risa was preoccupied with her last-minute English homework, freaking out because it was due next period. Shea was on her phone, ignoring both of us with earbuds in. I set my cell down beside my textbook and started working.

It was like my body was tied to a rubber band. I felt as if I was being tugged in the general direction Jared sat, the ache of not being able to touch or talk to him enough to make my stomach twist.

There was a necessary juxtaposition between how we acted at school and how we acted in private. There had to be, I couldn't afford to slip-up and expose our relationship. Everything had to be calculated, as much as I didn't like it. On the field, I was a goalie. Off, I was his girl. That was the arrangement for the duration of the season, and we would have to make it work.

A few minutes into the study hall period, my phone buzzed beside me, marking the screen with a text.

I caught sight of Jared on his phone before I read the message.

Jared: you look pretty today.

Me: do I now?

Jared: damn straight.

Me: you're not so bad yourself.

Jared: so what are you working on?

Me: stats. bleh.

Jared: we could always work on it together later ;)

Me: you just want to steal my virtue in the back of your car

Jared: You're worth more than a back seat

Me: my mistake, your front seat?

Jared: if you insist

Me: jfc would you quit that?

Jared: nope.

I cleared my throat, flipping him off subtly when I saw he was smirking at me. It was a secret exchange, but I loved it.

Jared: we're leaving for champs after lunch today. good news is the room you're staying in is right next to mine. you're sharing it with your friends but if you can be sneaky, you can stay in mine...

Me: not sure I follow what you're insinuating

Jared: mmmhmm sure

Me: how about you explain during lunch later?

I looked up again, bottom lip between my teeth. He shifted uncomfortably in his chair, probably crossing his legs under the table. I knew exactly where his mind was, and mine was there too. The fact this was a class made it torturous.

Jared: my office?

Me: okay.

I found it amusing how uncomfortable he looked throughout the rest of the period. By the time we got to lunch, I was fighting a wry grin as I knocked on the door of his office. Thankfully, no one was out near the field or the gym, so no one saw me slip inside the locker room and wait outside his door.

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