Chapter 29: The First inn

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Day 1:

The two of you had travelled about an hour so far, chatting and making small talk here and there. That was until you were met with a fork in the road. You pulled out your map from your belt and scanned it thoroughly.

"Hmmm" you began. "If I'm reading this right, we should be heading...right?"

"You don't sound very sure" noted Raphtalia

"I mean, does that tree look like the number four to you?" you asked, pointing towards an oddly shaped maple-oak.

"It kinda does...yeah that should be it."

"So then we go right" you nod confidently, putting away your map and marching ever onward.

The two of you have been walking for a little while longer and started to chat away to speed up the journey ahead.

"So (Yn), I have a question for you"

"Fire away" you say energetically

"When all this is over, the waves I mean, will you go back to your world?"

You looked into her pretty pink eyes for a moment to see the sadness building up into them. You quickly grabbed her free hand and held it tightly and tenderly before locking lips. You dropped your bag and stroked the back of her hair, easing away her all-too-familiar thoughts and feelings of loss.

"Raphtalia" you say, parting your head away slightly "When all this is over, I'm going wherever you're going"

Her face widened in slight shock, before composing to a warm, teary smile and hugging you tightly. "Thank you..." she whispered. You rubbed her back, and whispered closely next to her ear.

"No problem, my fluffy angel"

You could feel the heat come off from her red cheeks. You chuckled and picked up both your bag and the one she dropped. "C'mon, let's head to an inn before nightfall. Perhaps there we can...I don't know..cuddle?"

Her face got even redder, almost to the point of changing to crimson "Y-yeah t-t-that sounds n-n-n-n-nice"

You smiled and kissed her cheek before moving onward with her. 

"You know, you're pretty cute when you blush"

"Ahh! T-Thanks...b-b-but um...I...Could this f-f-for later?" she asked anxiously 

"Sure" you reply

Then, without warning, you were knocked down face-first into the dirt road. You cough and sputtered up the dry, beaten soil, scrambling to get yourself up again. 

"(Yn)!" cried out Raphtalia. You heard a scream of steel being unleashed from its dormant scabbard, and a hard leather boot stomp down on the scorched ground.

You picked yourself up, and unsheathed your sword and rested it into your left hand. Sparks of hot blue fire spewed from your fingertips, as you readied yourself.

"Orcs" chorused you and Raphtalia in unison. They were a hunting party, by the looks of it. Bows and clubs and spears were pointed at the two of you; held by a groggy green tide who barked and slathered unrecognizable words. Then, something started to push the green tide aside. Out walked an orc, garnishing ragged robes and a traditional pointed wizard cap. He laid out some white shards from the looks of it, and started to mutter something.

"What should we do?" asked Raphtalia

"We gotta hit em with everything we got, and we gotta do it fast"

My Raphtalia, My Queen (Raphtalia x male reader)Where stories live. Discover now