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Where is my man N?? You'll be asking. Don't worry, you'll meet him real soon.

You walked to Accumula Town. Only idiots will get lost while walking a straight road. You hummed a happy tune as Snivy and Patrat followed from behind.

"Hey, Patrat, Snivy. Look, their over there!" You pointed at Bianca and Cheren who were not too far away. Bianca seemed to see you as she waved at you near the entrance of Accum- Furret Town.

"Hey, (Y/N)!" She said loudly, ignoring the attention she might draw to herself.

"Hey Bianca and Cheren. My favourite amigos." You said back.

"So, do you want to compare which one of us has the most Pokèmon?" She asked excitedly. She never seems to calm down from her excitement.


"..." She counted your Pokèmon who were standing beside you. "Oh, you have two! Then we all have the same number! I don't need to think of a prize anymore!" Bianca cheered as you sighed, disappointed.

"Incidentally, if you check your Pokèdex, you can see how many Pokèmon you've seen and how many you've caught."

"Oh that's right! I forgot to look at Patrat's data." You said as you opened the Pokèdex.

"Patrat, the Scout Pokèmon. Extremely cautious, they take shifts to maintain a constant watch of their nest. They feel insecure without a lookout. They communicate with each other via their tails."

"Kind of like a meerkat." You said.

"Huh? What's a meerkat?"

Oh yeah, they don't exist in this world.

"Uh, nothing. I was just thinking of giving it a nickname but then I decided I won't." You lied.

"Oh. Well then let's get going. Cheren is gonna be mad at us if we stay here to long." Bianca said.

"I already am." He said, making us flinch. I guess we forgot about his presence. Poor him.

The X-tranciever is ringing!

You heard the jingle of your X-tranciever and picked it up.

"Here there. How are you doing? Have you caught any Pokèmon yet?" A familiar face appeared on screen.

"Professor Juniper!" Bianca exclaimed.

"When you're ready, meet me at the Pokèmon Center of Accumula Town. I need to show you something. I'll be waiting in the front." The professor informed you.

"Ok, we'll be there shortly." She gave a nod and ended the call.

"I'll go ahead now." Cheren said.


As you took your first step into Accumula Town, the Furret Walk song already starts playing in your head, or is someone blasting a radio so the whole town can hear? Either way, it immediately made you feel happy, you Pokèmon seemed to turn even more joyful too.

"Hey, (Y/N)!" Professor Juniper called out to you. You turned your head to her direction and smiled while walking there.

"Oh, you let your Pokèmon out from their Pokèballs? That's good too I guess. Anyway, Bianca is already inside. I need to show you two the most important place a trainer should know. Follow me!" You followed behind her and entered the Pokèmon Center.


It smells like a salon in here. In a bad way. And your Pokèmon don't seem to like it either.

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