2nd Movement

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My routine early in the morning would be playing the violin or piano, my father make sure that the first thing that would come into my mind is at least tune my instruments, well I couldn't do it with the piano but the violin is a must. I hate those repeated words that daddy would say. Of course I love playing the piano or violin, I make sure that I have enough practice everyday but I just don't want it if my dad keep pestering me. Thankfully, he's out early this morning so I got the day for myself. I got my hoodie and walk around our block, I'm thinking if I should walk a bit further but hey, my doctor asked me to. I got my airpods with me and left a note for my mom so that she won't go hysterics when she found out I'm not in my room or the music room.

I started to listen to some OPM (Original Pilipino Music), my mama is a Filipina while my father is western specifically a Swiss, but we stayed here at Cambridge, Massachusetts. We often visit my mother's country mostly if there's a big event. I think it's been three years since my last visit there. While we just had a one month vacation at Switzerland when I was healing. I could speak Filipino laguage but limited, unlike mama where there are times she'll cuss in Filipino language so that daddy would be pissed. And German, French, Italian and Romansh cause it's the official language of Switzerland.

Still, the song, music or piece whatever it is, caught my attention. Not as beautiful as classical yet the meaning that is hidden in every lyrics captivated me. If they created it without repeating every rhythm maybe it could grow more.

My phone rang, interrupting the music I'm listening to. Mama must seen the note that I left.

'Dear, come back and have some breakfast '

I looked at my watch and realized that it's been an hour since I started walking. Luckily, being preoccupied I walked slowly that I could go back at our home fast as I could. Still I take my time walking, seeing every couples, children, and those who are going to work rushing to their destination. When I got home, I saw my mom watching the recording that she had when I play a solo four days ago. I just stared at it and help myself with the breakfast my mama cooked.

"Good thing you get out, you need some vitamins from the sun in that body of yours, look how thin you are"

My mom started to criticize me again, its her daily habit and it's nothing new.

"It's my metabolism, mama"

"I think not, maybe we should do yoga or any exercise so that your body could gain more weight"

Unlike daddy, mama is concern in my very well being, I mean, yeah, sure every mom in the world would think of what's the best for their child but mama is different even she's an Asian mom, she would like me to do what I wanted, supports me in everything I do, she even would ask if I have some friends, which is apparently something that I lack of, if I'm happy or sad and those things that is actually focused on me. Instead of those that could make me someone that you could boast about.

She just wants that I'm going to be who I wanted to.

"Hay, yan kasing tatay mo eh"(it's that father of yours)

I smiled at her, well I kinda understand what she wants to point out. She thought that since my dad is a famous conductor, the mighty George Sheehan, his only daughter which is me. Is his only hope, he make sure that I could play the violin and piano. Let Hilary to teach me and be a kind of soloist he could brag about. It's not just his decision really, I like classical music so much that there are times I'm going to fight for it if someone tries to step at it. I choose this path too, not just daddy. He's just, well too strict to the point that if he knew about the ling ling jokes going around about practicing 40 hours, he might tell me to practice 60 hours if the universe would let him.

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