Chapter 1: Coming Home

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Alice Agreste was pretty excited. Mostly about, you know, coming back to her home city and finally seeing Adrien and Father after four years. Just the usual.

Oh, who was she kidding? She was so excited and nervous, her insides were a humbling mess and she was bouncing on the balls of her feet while sitting in Gorilla's car.

The car pulled up to the giant, lonely-looking mansion she slightly remembered. White and gray, white and gray, it barely had any color except for the occasional dash of lavender.

She opened the car door and walked towards the gates with Gorilla carrying her suitcases behind. The security looked at them and quickly opened the gates when he recognized the daughter of Gabriel Agreste and the bodyguard of his son. 

Alice walked up the stairs and stared at the few plants in the front garden.  They were all the same species and placed in a pattern. 

The door creaked open, and behind it was Nathalie, Alice's past nanny, and Gabriel's assistant. "Nathalie!" Alice surprised the woman with a hug.

"Hello Alice," the assistant said coolly. "Were your travels pleasant?"

Alice nodded enthusiastically, and Nathalie led the blonde to the dining room

The silverware was in the same cupboards, the chairs in the same order, and just like four years ago, Father and Adrien were sitting on the chairs opposite of each other that made you have to slightly yell for the other to hear you.

"Father! I'm back!" Alice ran up to Gabriel, who embraced her in a hug. 

"I missed you as well, Allison," Gabriel said. "Are you not going to greet your brother?"

Alice grinned and ran up to Adrien, who was still half-asleep. "Wha-?"

Adrien looked down and saw his twin sister. "Alice! You're back!"

"I know," Alice smiled. 

"Allison, you will be attending the same school as Adrien today," Gabriel said. "We have already prepared for you your school-things, and Gorilla will leave them in the car and Nathalie will send you your schedule. Have you eaten your breakfast yet?"

"Yep! I had a taco on the limo." Alice bounced from foot to foot. 

"Alright. You should change into the proper attire then. Nathalie prepared a set of clothes on your bed, go change." Gabriel said with a nod and stiffly went back to his tablet.

"Of course, Father," Alice said, a cheery grin still plastered on her face. She practically ran up that stairs and almost tripped, but somehow made it into her old room in one piece. On her bed was a set of neat clothes. A crisp light teal shirt with the Agreste purple butterfly embroidered on the cuffs, and a pink and lavender rose sitting on the side. The skirt looked like it was covered in pink and lavender rose petals, while the leggings were dark purple. 

She quickly put it on and dashed down the stairs. Nathalie clicked her tongue when she saw Alice's windblown hair and braided the blonde locks in the blink of an eye. "Hurry up to the car, you don't wanna be late!" Nathalie warned.

Alice ran down the hall and practically jumped into the car. "Let's go!"

Adrien looked at her like she had grown two heads. "What?"

"Nothing," he said, shaking his head. "I hope you'll like my friends. I think you and Marinette would get along really well."

"She must be great if she could get along with me," Alice joked. 

Adrien chuckled. "Yeah, she is great."

Alice tilted her head. "Oooookay. Weird. Were you this jumpy and excited when you first went to school?"

Adrien nodded. "Yeah. I practically ran away from home just to go to school."

Alice laughed. She had her brother back, she was going to school for the first time, she was going to make friends and meet this Marinette, what could go wrong?

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